HERLINA, Lina and Widianarko, Budi and Sunoko, Henna Rya (2022) ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS TANAMAN HANJUANG (Cordyline fruticosa) DAN PURING (Codiaeum variegatum) SEBAGAI FITOREMEDIATOR PADA TANAH YANG TERCEMAR TIMBAL. Doctoral thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies.
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Tanaman hias memiliki fungsi ekologi, sosial, dan estetika. Selain memiliki manfaat ekonomis, tanaman hias juga dapat mengakumulasi logam dan memperbaiki tanah yang tercemar. Tujuan umum penelitian adalah menganalisis efektivitas tanaman hias Cordyline fruticosa dan Codiaeum variegatum sebagai fitoremediator logam timbal. Penelitian dilakukan dengan 3 tahapan pertama pembibitan tanaman, kedua adaptasi tanaman selama 2 minggu dan ketiga pemaparan timbal dengan konsentrasi 250 mg.kg-1 dan 375 mg.kg-1 di tanah lempung dan di tanah liat berdebu. Pengukuran Biomassa tanaman, konsentrasi timbal pada organ tanaman dan tanah, kadar pigmen fotosintesis dan aktivitas enzim antioksidan dilakukan setiap 1 bulan hari selama 3 bulan. Paparan timbal berpengaruh signifikan terhadap biomassa tanaman, akumulasi timbal tanaman, aktivitas enzim antioksidan sedangkan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kandungan klorofil Cordyline fruticosa dan Codiaeum variegatum baik di tanah lempung maupun di tanah liat berdebu. Nilai TF pada Cordyline fruticose dan Codiaeum variegatum lebih dari 1 di tanah lempung. Nilai BAF pada Cordyline fruticosa berkisar 0.33-1,01 di tanah lempung sedangkan di tanah liat berdebu berkisar 0,33-1,47, nilai BAF Codiaeum variegatum berkisar 0,35 – 1,11 di tanah lempung dan di tanah liat berdebu berkisar 0,40-1,04. Cordyline fruticosa dan Codiaeum variegatum toleran terhadap timbal. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah mekanisme fitoremediasi Cordyline fruticosa adalah fitoekstraksi di tanah lempung dan fitostabilisasi di tanah liat berdebu, dan mekanisme fitoremediasi Codiaeum variegatum adalah fitoekstraksi baik di tanah lempung dan di tanah liat berdebu. Cordyline fruticose dan Codiaeum variegatum toleran pada tanah yang tercemar timbal dan menghasilkan aktivitas antioksidan sebagai respon terhadap kadar toksik timbal
Kata kunci: Fitoremediasi, Pb, kinerja fitoremediator, Cordylinefruticosa, Codiaeum variegatum
The ornamental plant has ecological, social, and aesthetic functions. Besides have an economical benefit, ornamental plants also accumulate metals and repairing contaminated soil. The general research objective was to analyze the effectiveness of Cordyline fruticosa and Codiaeum variegatum as lead metal phytoremediators. The research consists three stages. First, plant nursery. Second, plants adaptation for two weeks, and third, lead exposure with the concentration of 250 mg.kg-1 and 375 mg.kg-1 on clay and dusty clay. Measurement of plant biomass, lead concentration in plant organs and soil, levels of photosynthetic pigments, and antioxidant enzyme activity were carried out every 30 days for 3 times. Lead exposure had a significant effect on plant biomass, plant lead accumulation, antioxidant enzyme activity, while it had no significant effect on chlorophyll content both in clay and dusty clay soils. The TF value for Cordyline fruticosa and Codiaeum variegatum was more than one in clay soil. BAF values in Cordyline fruticosa ranged from 0.33-1.01 in clay soils while in dusty clays ranged from 0.33-1.47, BAF values of Codiaeum variegatum ranged from 0.35-1.11 in clay soils and in dusty clays ranged from 0 ,40-1.04. Cordyline fruticosa and Codiaeum variegatum are lead tolerant. The conclusion of this study is that the phytoremediation mechanism of Cordyline fruticosa is phytoextraction in clay soil and phytoremediation in dusty clay, and the phytoremediation mechanism of Codiaeum variegatum is phytoextraction both in clay and dusty clay. Cordyline fruticose and Codiaeum variegatum are tolerant of lead contaminated soil and produce antioxidant activity in response to lead toxic levels.
Keywords: Phytoremediation, Pb, phytoremediator performance, Cordyline fruticosa, Codiaeum variegatum
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Fitoremediasi, Pb, kinerja fitoremediator, Cordylinefruticosa, Codiaeum variegatum |
Subjects: | Engineering |
Divisions: | Postgraduate Program > Doctor Program in Environmental Science |
Depositing User: | ekana listianawati |
Date Deposited: | 10 Nov 2022 03:43 |
Last Modified: | 10 Nov 2022 03:43 |
URI: | https://eprints2.undip.ac.id/id/eprint/9666 |
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