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Kota Surakarta memiliki air permukaan berupa sungai. Saat ini sungai di Kota Surakarta sudah tercemar oleh air limbah domestik yang mengandung pencemar organik. Air limbah domestik perlu diolah agar mencegah pencemaran sungai. Air limbah domestik dapat diolah dengan instalasi pengolahan air limbah domestik (IPALD). Berbagai teknologi telah diterapkan dalam IPALD. Penelitian ini membandingkan kinerja IPALD Kelurahan Gilingan yang menggunakan teknologi Anaerobic Filter (AF) dan IPALD Kelurahan Danukusuman yang menggunakan kombinasi teknologi AF, aerasi, dan Constructed Wetland (CW) dalam menurunkan beban pencemar organik. Parameter yang digunakan adalah BOD dan COD. Sampel air pada inlet dan oulet IPALD diambil satu kali tiap hari pada 1 – 5 November 2021. Jumlah pemanfaat IPALD Kelurahan Gilingan sebanyak 224 jiwa dan IPALD Kelurahan Danukusuman sebanyak 218 jiwa. Efisiensi penurunan BOD IPALD Kelurahan Gilingan sebesar 63,54% mampu menurunkan BOD dari 113,05 ± 20,22 mg/L menjadi 41,22 ± 3,43 mg/L dan efisiensi penurunan COD sebesar 75,71% mampu menurunkan COD dari 503,4 ± 54,01 mg/L menjadi 122,24 ± 16,53 mg/L. Efisiensi penurunan BOD IPALD Kelurahan Danukusuman sebesar 83,84% mampu menurunkan BOD dari 76,93 ± 6,3 mg/L menjadi 12,43 ± 2,44 mg/L dan efisiensi penurunan COD sebesar 87,72% mampu menurunkan COD dari 326,94 ± 27 mg/L menjadi 40,15 ± 4,35 mg/L. Kadar BOD dan COD seluruh sampel pada outlet IPALD Kelurahan Gilingan melampaui baku mutu yang ditetapkan Permen LHK P.68/2016 atau tidak aman jika dibuang ke sungai sedangkan seluruh sampel pada outlet IPALD Kelurahan Danukusuman sudah memenuhi baku mutu sehingga aman jika dibuang ke sungai. Uji t sampel independen dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata BOD dan COD outlet IPALD Kelurahan Gilingan signifikan lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata BOD dan COD outlet IPALD Kelurahan Danukusuman. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pertama, IPALD Kelurahan Gilingan dikategorikan efisien sedangkan IPALD Kelurahan Danukusuman dikategorikan sangat efisien dalam menurunkan kadar BOD dan COD. Kedua, IPALD Kelurahan Gilingan belum efektif sedangkan IPALD Kelurahan Danukusuman sudah efektif menurunkan BOD dan COD hingga memenuhi baku mutu air limbah domestik. Ketiga, IPALD Kelurahan Gilingan menghasilkan rata-rata kadar BOD dan COD lebih tinggi secara signifikan daripada IPALD Kelurahan Danukusuman.
Kata kunci: pengolahan air limbah domestik, BOD, COD, uji t
Surakarta has water surface in the form of a river. Currently, domestic wastewater which contain organic pollutants have polluted the rivers in Surakarta. We need to treat domestic wastewater to prevent pollution in river. Domestic wastewater can be treated by implementing a domestic wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Various technologies have been applied in it. This study compares the performance of the WWTP of Gilingan Village which uses Anaerobic Filter (AF) technology and the IPALD of Danukusuman Village which uses a combination of AF, aeration, and Constructed Wetland (CW) technology in reducing organic pollutant loads. The parameters used are BOD and COD. Water samples at the inlet and outlet of the IPALD were taken once a day on 1 – 5 November 2021. The number of users of the WWTP in Gilingan Village was 224 people and in the IPALD Danukusuman Village 218 people. The efficiency of decreasing BOD in WWTP of Gilingan Village by 63.54% was able to reduce BOD from 113.05 ± 20.22 mg/L to 41.22 ± 3.43 mg/L and the efficiency of COD reduction of 75.71% was able to reduce COD from 503,4 ± 54.01 mg/L to 122.24 ± 16.53 mg/L. The efficiency of reducing BOD in WWTP of Danukusuman Village by 83.84% was able to reduce BOD from 76.93 ± 6.3 mg/L to 12.43 ± 2.44 mg/L and COD reduction efficiency of 87.72% was able to reduce COD from 326 .94 ± 27 mg/L to 40.15 ± 4.35 mg/L. The BOD and COD levels of all samples at the WWTP outlet of Gilingan Village exceeded the quality standards set by Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation P.68/2016 or were not safe to be dumped into the river, while all samples at the WWTP outlet of Danukusuman Village had met the quality standards so that they were safe to be dumped into the river. An independent sample t-test with a significance level of 0.05 showed that the average BOD and COD outlets of WWTP of Gilingan Village were significantly higher than the average BOD and COD outlets of WWTP of Danukusuman Village. This study concluded that first, the WWTP of Gilingan Village was categorized as efficient while the WWTP of Danukusuman Village was categorized as very efficient in reducing BOD and COD levels. Second, the WWTP of Gilingan Village has not been effective yet while the WWTP of Danukusuman Village has been effective in reducing BOD and COD to meet the quality standards of domestic wastewater. Third, the WWTP of Gilingan Village produced significantly higher average BOD and COD levels than the WWTP of Danukusuman Village.
Keywords: domestic wastewater treatment, BOD, COD, t test
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | pengolahan air limbah domestik, BOD, COD, uji t |
Subjects: | Engineering |
Divisions: | Postgraduate Program > Master Program in Environmental Science |
Depositing User: | ekana listianawati |
Date Deposited: | 08 Nov 2022 09:14 |
Last Modified: | 08 Nov 2022 09:14 |
URI: | https://eprints2.undip.ac.id/id/eprint/9651 |
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