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Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Santri Baru Pesantren Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Dan Weigthed Product

AMANULLOH Mz, Muhammad and Suseno, Jatmiko Endro and Gernowo, Rahmat (2022) Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Santri Baru Pesantren Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Dan Weigthed Product. Masters thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies.

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Kegiatan penerimaan santri baru merupakan kegiatan yang rutin dilakukan lembaga pesantren, dengan berkembangnya tren teknologi dan sistem informasi, upaya agar dapat meningkatkan kualitas potensi peserta didik dengan cara yang tepat adalah melalui sistem penerimaan santri berbasis minat dan hobi, model seleksi berbasis peminatan dan hobi akan menjadi efektif jika dengan kolaborasi teknologi dan sistem informasi sehingga dapat menggali bakat santri. Penulis memperkenalkan kombinasi metode didalam sistem penerimaan santri baru pesantren dengan model sistem pendukung keputusan (SPK), penentuan tingkat kepentingan bobot kriteria pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode AHP Analitical Hierarki Proses, metode AHP dapat menghindari subjektifitas pada penentuan bobot kepentingan antar kriteria pada kriteria seleksi, seleksi pertama menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) sebagai penentuan lulus diterima dan tidak lulusnya, seleksi kedua menggunakan metode Weigthed Product (WP) yang dapat menghasilkan rekomendasi tepat dalam penentuan pemilihan ribat secara sederhana dan efektif sehingga proses belajar melalui minat dan hobi dapat dilakukan sejak dini. Penggunaan metode SAW yang telah dihitung tingkat kepentingan bobot kriterinya menggunakan metode AHP dengan 5 kriteria tes yang diujikan, yakni tes membaca al quran, tes baca kitab tulisan arab, tes menerjemahkan tulisan kitab kuning, tes menulis tulisan arab, tes intonasi membaca al quran, santri dinyatakan lulus jika nilai hasil akhir pada seleksi pertama perhitungan SAW diatas nilai 0,5 atau nilai 50. Begitupun juga dengan tahapan seleksi kedua yang menggunakan metode WP yang telah dihitung bobot tingkat kepentingan kriterinya menggunakan metode AHP melalui 5 kriteria tes yang diujikan, tes kemampuan komunikasi dasar bahasa arab, tes kemampuan komunikasi dasar bahasa inggris, tes bakat kepemimpinan, tes bakat kreatifitas, tes bakat berwirausaha. Hasil penelitian ini pada seleksi kedua metode WP, para santri dihitung nilai dan rankingnya, serta memberikan referensi ribat (lembaga sub pesantren yang membidangi berbagai fokus bidang pembelajaran dipesantren) yang sesuai dengan hasil ujiannya.
Kata kunci : seleksi santri, spk, ahp, saw, wp

The activity of accepting new islamic students is an activity that is routinely carried out by Islamic boarding schools, with technological developments and trends in information systems, efforts to improve the quality of potential islamic students in the right way are through a islamic student admission system based on interests and hobbies, the selection of models and hobbies based on interests will be effective if with collaboration of technology and information systems so that they can explore the talents of students. The author introduces a combination of methods in the islamic boarding school's new admissions system with a decision support system (SPK) model, determining the importance of the weight of the criteria in this study using the AHP Analytical Hierarchy Process method, the AHP method can avoid subjectivity in determining the weight of importance between criteria on selection criteria, selection first using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method as a determination of whether or not to pass, the second selection using the Weighthed Product (WP) method which can produce appropriate recommendations in determining the selection of interest in a simple and effective way so that the learning process through interests and hobbies can be carried out early on. The use of the SAW method which has calculated the importance of the criterion weight using the AHP method with 5 test criteria tested, namely a test for reading the Al Qur’an, reading an Arabic script test, translating the yellow book writing test, writing Arabic writing test, reading the Al Qur’an intonation test, islamic students passed if the final result in the first selection of SAW calculations is above 0.5 or 50. Likewise with the second selection stage using the WP method, which has calculated the importance of the criteria using the AHP method through 5 test criteria tested, communication skills tests basic arabic language, basic english communication skills test, leadership aptitude test, creativity aptitude test, entrepreneurship aptitude test. The results of this study on the selection of the two WP methods, the students' grades and rankings were calculated, and provided references for ribat (sub islamic boarding schools in charge of various focus areas of Islamic boarding school learning) in accordance with the results of their exams.
Keywords : islamic student selection, spk, ahp, saw, wp

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: seleksi santri, spk, ahp, saw, wp
Subjects: Sciences and Mathemathic
Divisions: Postgraduate Program > Master Program in Information System
Depositing User: ekana listianawati
Date Deposited: 26 Sep 2022 08:17
Last Modified: 26 Sep 2022 08:17

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