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PENDEKATAN KUALITATIF EFEKTIVITAS PEMANFAATAN MEDIA SOSIAL WHATSAPP GROUP PADA KELOMPOK PEMBUDIDAYA ASA MINA MULIA DI KEL. POLAMAN, KEC. MIJEN, KOTA SEMARANG. / A Qualitative Approach to the Effectiveness of the Utilization of WhatsApp Group Social Media at the Asa Mina Mulia Cultivator Group in Polaman Village, Mijen District, Semarang City.

Anjani, Farah Maulia and Samidjan, Istiyanto and Elfitasari, Tita (2021) PENDEKATAN KUALITATIF EFEKTIVITAS PEMANFAATAN MEDIA SOSIAL WHATSAPP GROUP PADA KELOMPOK PEMBUDIDAYA ASA MINA MULIA DI KEL. POLAMAN, KEC. MIJEN, KOTA SEMARANG. / A Qualitative Approach to the Effectiveness of the Utilization of WhatsApp Group Social Media at the Asa Mina Mulia Cultivator Group in Polaman Village, Mijen District, Semarang City. Jurnal Sains Akuakultul Tropis, 5 (2). pp. 159-168. ISSN 2621-0525

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C-22 Pendekatan kualitatif efektivitas pemanfaatan media sosial WhatsApp Group pada kelompok pembudidaya Asa Mina Mulia di Kel. Polaman, Kec. Mijen, Kota Semarang.pdf

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Information and communication technology can facilitate needs, for example social media. The social media used by extension workers and cultivators for online consultation is WhatsApp. This application makes it easier for extension workers to help respondents who need cultivation information or a problem that occurs in the field. This study aims to determine the effect of WhatsApp's effectiveness on the problems that occur in Asa Mina Mulia cultivators in Polaman Village, Mijen District, Semarang City. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of catfish cultivators through WhatsApp Group. The research method used is qualitative, descriptive scientific research by analyzing data in depth based on existing problems according to facts in the field. Respondents in this study were 7 cultivators and an informant. Respondents for cultivators were chosen because they carried out cultivation activities, were included in the Asa Mina Mulia WhatsApp Group and were willing to be respondents. The informant's respondent is a cultivator extension, entered the Asa Mina Mulia WhatsApp Group and is willing to become an informant. Data collection was carried out by interview and recapitulated in the form of verbatim interviews and observations by observing respondents in the WhatsApp Group. Verbatim data was carried out by testing the validity of the data and analysis. The results of research conducted on the Performance Expectancy indicator are quite effective because WhatsApp Group is confirmed to be 100% able to simplify and speed up cultivation information for all respondents. The cultivation productivity of all respondents increased due to the use of WhatsApp Group. The results on the WhatsApp Group confirmed Effort Expectancy indicator provide 100% ease of communication and most of the respondents are quite active in discussing using WhatsApp Group. The results on the Social Influence indicator are confirmed to get 100% support from the environment around the respondent such as family, between respondents and extension workers. The results on the Facilitating Condition indicator confirmed 100% can facilitate all respondents in discussing cultivation issues.
Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dapat memudahkan kebutuhan, contohnya sosial media. Sosial media yang digunakan penyuluh dan pembudidaya untuk konsultasi secara online yaitu WhatsApp. Aplikasi ini memudahkan penyuluh untuk membantu responden yang membutuhkan informasi budidaya atau suatu permasalahan yang terjadi di lapangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keefektivan WhatsApp terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi pada pembudidaya Asa Mina Mulia di Kel. Polaman, Kec. Mijen, Kota Semarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji efektivitas pada pembudidaya ikan lele melalui WhatsApp Group. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, penelitian ilmiah deskriptif dengan menganalisis data secara mendalam berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada sesuai fakta di lapangan. Responden pada penelitian ini sebanyak 7 pembudidaya dan seorang informan. Responden pembudidaya dipilih karena melakukan kegiatan budidaya, masuk dalam WhatsApp Group Asa Mina Mulia dan bersedia menjadi responden. Responden informan adalah seorang penyuluh pembudidaya, masuk di WhatsApp Group Asa Mina Mulia dan bersedia menjadi informan. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara serta direkap dalam bentuk verbatim wawancara dan observasi dengan mengamati responden di WhatsApp Group. Data verbatim dilakukan dengan uji keabsahan data dan analisis. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada indikator Performance Expectancy cukup efektif karena WhatsApp Group terkonfirmasi 100% dapat mempermudah dan mempercepat informasi budidaya semua responden. Produktivitas budidaya semua responden meningkat karena pemanfaatan WhatsApp Group. Hasil pada indikator Effort Expectancy terkonfimasi WhatsApp Group 100% memberikan kemudahan berkomunikasi dan kebanyakan semua responden cukup aktif berdiskusi menggunakan WhatsApp Group. Hasil pada indikator Social Influence terkonfirmasi mendapatkan 100% dukungan dari lingkungan sekitar responden seperti keluarga, antar responden dan penyuluh. Hasil pada indikator Facilitating Condition terkonfirmasi 100% dapat menfasilitasi semua responden dalam berdiskusi untuk permasalahan budidaya

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Aquaculture
Depositing User: Mr sugeng priyanto
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2022 06:51
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2022 06:51

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