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ZAULFIKAR, Zaulfikar and Budiyono, Budiyono and Sudarno, Sudarno (2021) LANDFILL MINING SEBAGAI UPAYA PEMULIHAN DAN PEMANFAATAN LAHAN EKS TPA SAMPAH DALAM KOTA (Studi Kasus di TPA Sampah Gp Jawa Banda Aceh). Doctoral thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies.

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Pertambahan penduduk telah memberikan dampak bagi keberadaan TPA sampah, yang dahulunya jauh dari pemukiman, kini sangat dekat dengan pemukiman dan pusat kota. Kebutuhan terhadap fasilitas sanitasi telah memaksa pemerintah kota mempertahankan keberadaan TPA sampah tersebut, demikian juga dengan keberadaan TPA sampah Gp Jawa Banda Aceh. TPA sampah Gp Jawa bukan saja telah
menyebabkan degradasi lingkungan karena sangat dekat dengan sungai dan pantai, namun TPA sampah Gp Jawa juga berada dalam kawasan pusat sejarah kerajaan Aceh masa lalu, yang banyak meninggalkan artefak dan peninggalan sejarah lainnya, harus segera ditutup dan dipulihkan. Landfill mining adalah cara yang paling cocok untuk memulihkan lahan tersebut. Landfill mining dapat dilakukan karena sampah di
Indonesia pada umumnya didominasi sampah organik. Setiap material organik akan terurai menghasilkan gas CH4, CO2, H2O, dan menyisakan material halus menyerupai tanah, disebut kompos.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengkaji potensi penutupan TPA sampah Gp Jawa, ditinjau dari aspek nilai sejarah, aspek regulasi/peraturan, dan aspek degradasi lingkungan. (2) Menganalisa perkiraan jumlah
massa timbunan sampah, dan umur timbunan sampah terhadap jumlah compost landfill mining yang diperoleh. (3) Mengkaji potensi penerapan landfill mining di TPA sampah
Gp Jawa berdasarkan sumber daya yang tersedia. (4) Menganalisa potensi pemanfaatan lahan TPA sampah Gp Jawa pasca pemulihan dan potensi pemanfaatan compost landfill mining yang diperoleh.
Metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif telah digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan (2), yang didasarkan dari hasil penimbangan berat dan persentase masing-masing komponen material galian. Metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif juga digunakan
untuk mencapai tujuan (1), (3), dan (4), yang dilakukan dengan metode observasi lapangan dan wawancara mendalam (depth interview methods) terhadap narasumber (key informan) dari beberapa stakeholder terkait.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan: (1) TPA sampah Gp Jawa Banda Aceh harus segera ditutup, karena berada dalam kawasan sejarah, melanggar UUD 1945, UU, regulasi lainnya, dan menyebabkan degradasi lingkungan. (2) Landfill mining
sebaiknya dilakukan pada umur timbunan sampah 8-9 tahun. (3) Berdasarkan sumber daya yang tersedia, landfill mining sangat berpotensi diterapkan di TPA sampah Gp Jawa. (4) Pasca pemulihan, lahan TPA sampah Gp Jawa dan sekitarnya sangat
berpotensi dikembangkan menjadi kawasan wisata, terutama wisata religi, sejarah, budaya, bahari, kuliner, dan compost landfill mining yang diperoleh dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik bagi tanaman non pangan, material urug
taman/lahan perparkiran, material penutup sampah (biocover) TPA sampah regional Blangbintang Aceh Besar.
Untuk memperkuat kesimpulan penutupan TPA sampah dari aspek degradasi lingkungan, disarankan untuk dilakukan penelitian lanjutan terhadap kualitas air, tanah, dan udara sekitar TPA sampah tersebut. Penerapan metode landfill mining
sangat tergantung dari potensi pemanfaatan compost landfill mining yang diperoleh, oleh karena itu disarankan juga untuk dilakukan penelitian landfill mining dengan metode dan teknik pengumpulan data yang sama pada beberapa TPA sampah lain,
sehingga juga dapat memperbanyak data karakteristik compost landfill mining.

Population growth has had an impact on the existence of landfills, which were once far from residential areas, but are now very close to settlements and city centers. However, the need for sanitation facilities has forced the city government to maintain the existence of landfills, including the existence of the Gp Jawa landfill in Banda Aceh. The landfill has not only caused environmental degradation due to its close proximity to rivers and beaches, but the landfill is also located within the historical
center of the former Aceh kingdom, which left many artifacts and other historical relics. Thus, the landfill should be immediately closed and recovered. Landfill mining is the most suitable way to recover such areas. This is possible in Indonesia because solid waste predominantly organic. Organic material decomposes to produce CH4, CO2 and H2O gases, leaving fine material resembling soil, called compost.
Based on this, this study aims to: (1) Assess the potential of closing the Gp Jawa landfill, viewed from aspects of historical value, regulations and environmental degradation. (2) Analyse the estimated mass of the garbage heap, as well as the age of
the garbage heap on the amount of compost landfill mining obtained. (3) Assess the potential application of landfill mining in the Gp Jawa landfill based on the available resources. (4) Analyse the potential utilization of the landfill area post-recovery, as well as the potential utilization of the compost landfill mining obtained.
Descriptive quantitative research methods were used to achieve the goal (2), which is based on the results of weighing and the percentage of each component of the excavated materials. Descriptive qualitative research methods were also used to
achieve goals (1), (3), and (4), by conducting field observations and depth interviews with key informants from several related stakeholders.
The results of the research show that: (1) The Gp Jawa landfill should be closed immediately as a result of its location in a historical area, violations of the 1945 Constitution laws and other regulations, and induction of environmental degradation.
(2) Landfill mining should be effectuated at garbage heaps at the age of 8-9 years. (3) Based on the available resources, landfill mining has the potential to be applied in the Gp Jawa landfill. (4) After recovery, the Gp Jawa landfill and its surrounding areas have the potential to be developed into religious, historical, cultural, maritime or culinary tourism sites; the compost landfill mining obtained can be used as an organic
fertilizer for non-food plants, as filling materials for landscaping (such as parks and parking lots), or as a biocover material for active landfills, such as the Blangbintang regional landfill located in Aceh Besar.
To support the closure of the landfill from the perspective of environmental degradation, further research on the quality of the water, soil, and air around the landfill is suggested. The application of landfill mining is dependent upon the possible utility of the compost that would be obtained. Therefore, additional conduction of landfill mining research using the same data collection methods and techniques is recommended in several other landfills in order to acquire more data on the
characteristics of the compost landfill mining.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Landfill MIning, Lahan Eks TPA, Sampah, Pemanfaatan
Subjects: Sciences and Mathemathic
Divisions: Postgraduate Program > Doctor Program in Environmental Science
Depositing User: ekana listianawati
Date Deposited: 10 May 2022 04:21
Last Modified: 10 May 2022 04:21

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