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ARAHIM, Andry Anggoro and Widayat, Widayat and Hadiyanto, Hadiyanto (2020) PRODUKSI BAHAN BAKAR CAIR DARI LIMBAH BAN KENDARAAN BERMOTOR DENGAN PROSES PIROLISIS. Masters thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggolahan limbah ban kendaraan bermotor menggunakan proses pirolisis menghasilkan bahan bakar cair. Proses pirolisis menghasilkan produk cair, gas, dan sisa padatan. Penelitian menggunakan alat pirolisis yang terdiri dari reaktor, pipa stainless, pipa kaca, kompor listrik, dan kondensor. Proses pirolisis dilakukan dengan pada suhu 400°C dan 500°C, dengan dua variabel yaitu variabel jumlah katalis dan variabel waktu pirolisis. Katalis yang digunakan adalah katalis yang berasal dari pecahan genteng tanah liat dengan variabel katalis 0, 2.5%, 3%, 5%, 6% dan 10% dari berat bahan baku. Proses pirolisis dilakasanakan dengan variabel waktu yaitu 2,3,4, dan 6jam.
Hasil bahan bakar cair terbanyak didapat ketika proses pirolisis menggunakan suhu 500°C dengan lama pembakaran 2 jam menggunakan katalis 30 gram menghasilkan produk cair 38,7%, gas 43% dan berat padatan 57% gram yang berasal dari ban 1000 gram. Analisis kualitatif produk cair menggunakan metode GC-MS menunjukkan bahwa kandungan hidrokarbon hasil produk cair dapat golongkan menjadi tiga jenis yaitu C5-C12 dengan rata-rata produksi 80.94% fraksi bensin, C13-C20 dengan rata-rata produksi 8.60% fraksi diesel dan fraksi >C20 berupa fraksi minyak berat sebanyak 7,11%.
Jumlah energi yang diperlukan untuk memproduksi bahan bakar cair terbanyak ketika proses pirolisis tanpa katalis, untuk menghasilkan 1 liter bahan bakar cair proses pirolisis tannpa katalis memerlukan energy 29.13 kWh sedangkan proses pirolisis dengan katalis memelukan energy 7.0119 kWh.
Kata kunci: limbah ban; pirolisis; bahan bakar cair; GC-MS.

This study aims to treat motor vehicle tire waste using a pyrolysis process to produce liquid fuel. The pyrolysis process produces liquid products, gases, and residual solids. The study used a pyrolysis device consisting of a reactor, stainless pipe, glass pipe, electric stove, and condenser. The pyrolysis process is carried out at temperatures of 400 ° C and 500 ° C, with two variables, namely the variable amount of catalyst and the variable pyrolysis time. The catalyst used is a catalyst derived from clay tile fragments with catalyst variables of 0, 2.5%, 3%, 5%, 6% and 10% of the weight of the raw material. The pyrolysis process is carried out with time variables, namely 2,3,4, and 6 hours.
The most liquid fuel yields were obtained when the pyrolysis process used a temperature of 500 ° C with a burning time of 2 hours using a 30 gram catalyst to produce 38.7% liquid product, 43% gas and 57% gram solid weight originating from 1000 grams of tires. Qualitative analysis of liquid products using the GC-MS method shows that the hydrocarbon content of liquid products can be classified into three types, namely C5-C12 with an average production of 80.94% gasoline fraction, C13-C20 with an average production of 8.60% diesel fraction and fraction> C20 in the form of heavy oil fraction of 7,11%.
The amount of energy needed to produce the most liquid fuel during the pyrolysis process without a catalyst, to produce 1 liter of liquid fuel, the pyrolysis process without a catalyst requires 29.13 kWh of energy, while the pyrolysis process with catalyst requires an energy of 7.0119 kWh.
Key words: tire waste; pyrolysis; liquid fuel; GC-MS.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: limbah ban; pirolisis; bahan bakar cair; GC-MS
Subjects: Engineering > Chemical Engineering
Divisions: Postgraduate Program > Master Program in Energy
Depositing User: ekana listianawati
Date Deposited: 25 Apr 2022 03:51
Last Modified: 25 Apr 2022 03:51

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