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Kebutuhan untuk mengurangi karbon dioksida dari produksi energi listrik berbasis bahan bakar fosil telah menjadi perhatian dunia. Selama satu dekade terakhir, penyediaan energi listrik di Indonesia masih didominasi penggunaan energi fosil yang mengeluarkan lebih banyak karbon dioksida. Indonesia menandatangani Protokol Kyoto untuk menurunkan emisi global. Indonesia memiliki potensi energi bersih bersumber energi matahari lebih dari 207 GW tersebar di seluruh wilayah yang dapat dikonversi menjadi energi listrik. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji intensitas iradiasi matahari, atap permukiman, potensi listrik sistem fotovotaik atap permukiman dan pengalihan karbon dioksida dari sistem fotovoltaik. Tujuan utama penyelidikan untuk mendapatkan panen potensi produksi listrik dari atap fotovoltaik permukiman, mitigasi karbon dioksida dari sistem energi listrik bersumber dari matahari dan peta iradiasi matahari. Teknologi tenaga matahari bergantung pada cuaca sangat penting peta iradiasi suatu wilayah berkaitan dengan pengembangan tenaga matahari. Lokasi studi kasus di Wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah, populasi penelitian semua wilayah administrasi terdiri 29 Kabupaten dan 6 Kota. Penelitian ini sangat penting mengingat konsumsi energi listrik Provinsi Jawa Tengah dalam konteks sistem ketenagalistrikan Nasional sebagian besar masih berbasis energi fosil yang mengeluarkan banyak karbon dioksida. Jawa Tengah memiliki potensi energi matahari tersebar seluruh wilayah, komitmen serta regulasi pengembangan dalam bentuk Peraturan Daerah. Bagaimanapun energi listrik memiliki peran yang sangat vital dan strategis bagi ketahanan dan kemandirian energi daerah. Potensi iradiasi matahari yang melintasi atap permukiman setiap wilayah diprediksi berdasar data historis meteorologi seperti suhu lingkungan, kelembaban relatif, kecepatan angin, curah hujan, latitude, longitude, altitude. Data dikumpulkan selama 5 tahun dari 1 Januari 2014 hingga 31 Desember 2018 diperoleh dari situs web meteorologi Permukaan NASA dan Energi Surya. Analisis penelitian menggunakan metode jaringan saraf tiruan, analisis spasial, interpolasi inverse distance weighting, dan analisis faktor emisi. Temuan penelitian angka rata-rata iradiasi harian semua wilayah Kabupaten dan Kota sebesar 5,05 kWh/m2/hari dengan rentang 4,40 sampai 5,54 kWh/m2/hari. Sebaran area atap permukiman masing-masing wilayah Kabupaten dan Kota berkisar 3.237.066 m2 sampai 39.163.319 m2 . Panen produksi energi listrik terendah wilayah Kota Magelang sebesar 3.122 MWh/tahun, tertinggi wilayah Kabupaten Cilacap mencapai 250.621 MWh/tahun. Potensi pengalihan karbon dioksida terendah 2.264 tonCO2/tahun, tertinggi 167.723 tonCO2/tahun. Kebaharuan penelitian temuan peta iradiasi atau peta insolasi wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah berdasar analisis jaringan saraf tiruan dan interpolasi inverse distance weighting. Temuan penelitian diusulkan agar digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam perencanaan penerapan energi matahari sebagai bagian dari sistem penyediaan energi listrik di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Melakukan kajian evaluasi terhadap eksploitasi energi matahari yang telah dilakukan di wilayah Kabupaten dan Kota dalam rangka penyediaan energi listrik rendah karbon bersumber energi matahari wilayah lokal.
Kata Kunci: energi matahari, peta iradiasi, atap permukiman, fotovotaik, karbon dioksida.

The need to reduce carbon dioxide from fossil fuel-based electrical energy production has become a global concern. During the last decade, the supply of electrical energy in Indonesia is still dominated by the use of fossil energy which emits more carbon dioxide. Indonesia signed the Kyoto Protocol to reduce global emissions. Indonesia has the potential for clean energy from solar energy of more than 207 GW scattered throughout the region which can be converted into electricity. This research will examine the intensity of solar irradiation, residential roofs, the electric potential of residential roof photovotaik systems and the transfer of carbon dioxide from photovoltaic systems. The main objectives of the investigation are to obtain a potential harvest of electricity production from residential photovoltaic rooftops, mitigation of carbon dioxide from solar-sourced electrical energy systems and solar irradiation maps. Solar power technology that depends on the weather is considered very important for the irradiation map of an area related to the development of solar power. The location of the case study is in the Central Java Province, the research population of all administrative areas consists of 29 districts and 6 cities. This research is very important considering that the electricity consumption of Central Java Province in the context of the National electricity system is mostly still based on fossil energy which emits a lot of carbon dioxide. Central Java has the potential for solar energy to spread throughout the region, commitment and development regulations in the form of Regional Regulations. However, electrical energy has a very vital and strategic role for regional energy resilience and independence. The potential for solar irradiation that crosses the residential roofs of each area is predicted based on historical meteorological data such as environmental temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, rainfall, latitude, longitude, altitude. Data collected for 5 years from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2018 were obtained from NASA's Surface meteorology website and Solar Energy. The research analysis used artificial neural network method, spatial analysis, inverse distance weighting interpolation, and emission factor analysis. The findings of this research are that the average daily irradiation rate of all districts and cities is 5.05 kWh / m2 / day with a range of 4.40 to 5.54 kWh / m2 / day. The distribution of the residential roof area of each Regency and City ranges from 3,237,066 m2 to 39,163,319 m2. The lowest yield of electric energy production in Magelang City is 3,122 MWh / year, the highest in Cilacap Regency is 250,621 MWh / year. The lowest carbon dioxide transfer potential was 2,264 tons CO2 / year, the highest was 167,723 tons CO2 / year. The novelty of the research findings of irradiation map or insolation map of Central Java Province based on artificial neural network analysis and inverse distance weighting interpolation. The research findings are proposed to be used as consideration in planning the application of solar energy as part of the electricity supply system in Central Java Province. Conduct evaluation studies on the exploitation of solar energy that has been carried out in regencies and cities in the context of providing low-carbon electrical energy sourced from solar energy in local areas.
Keywords: solar energy, irradiation maps, residential roofs, photovotics, carbon dioxide.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Uncontrolled Keywords: energi matahari, peta iradiasi, atap permukiman, fotovotaik, karbon dioksida
Subjects: Engineering > Chemical Engineering
Divisions: Postgraduate Program > Doctor Program in Environmental Science
Depositing User: Users 183 not found.
Date Deposited: 25 Apr 2022 02:57
Last Modified: 25 Apr 2022 02:57

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