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Himmatul ‘Ulyaa, Eka and Atmojiwa, Rayu Kirana and Sungkar, Zanira (2024) REVIEW DAN REDESIGN TEMPAT PEMROSESAN AKHIR (TPA) DEGAYU KOTA PEKALONGAN. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Diponegoro.

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Timbulan sampah di Kota Pekalongan pada tahun 2023 mencapai 200 ton/hari.
Timbulan sampah yang tinggi tersebut tidak diiringi dengan kesadaran masyarakat
dalam pengelolaan sampah. Sampah Kota Pekalongan bermuara di TPA Degayu
yang menampung rata-rata 130 ton sampah setiap hari pada tahun 2023. TPA
Degayu sudah mengalami overload. Terkait masalah tersebut, diperlukan suatu
pengelolaan sampah dan pengembangan TPA Degayu agar dapat dimanfaatkan lagi
secara efektif. Diperlukan penataan ulang TPA Degayu guna memperpanjang umur
TPA. Pengelolaan sampah untuk mengurangi timbunan sampah dengan
pengelolaan Black Soldier Fly (BSF). Luas TPA Degayu sebesar 5,6 ha akan
diangun 4 zona timbunan secara sanitary landfill dengan total biaya yang
dibutuhkan Rp. 49.372.600.000
Kata kunci: Redesain TPA, Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA), Black Soldier Fly
Waste generation in Pekalongan City in 2023 will reach 200 tonnes/day. This high
waste generation is not accompanied by public awareness in waste management.
Pekalongan City's waste ends up in the Degayu TPA which will accommodate an
average of 130 tonnes of waste every day in 2023. The Degayu TPA is already
experiencing overload. Regarding this problem, waste management and
development of the Degayu TPA are needed so that it can be used again effectively.
It is necessary to reorganize the Degayu landfill to extend the life of the landfill.
Waste management to reduce waste accumulation by managing Black Soldier Fly
(BSF). The Degayu landfill area of 5.6 ha will be constructed with 4 landfill zones
as a sanitary landfill with a total cost of Rp. 49,372,600,000.
Keywords : Redesign, TPA, BSF

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: Engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering > Department of Environmental Engineering
Depositing User: anik riyanti
Date Deposited: 22 May 2024 05:02
Last Modified: 22 May 2024 05:02

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