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[thumbnail of Assifa Yusan Anandita 23dik460.pdf] Text
Assifa Yusan Anandita 23dik460.pdf

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[thumbnail of 7. Lampiran dan Riwayat Hidup Assifa.pdf] Text
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(Assifa Yusan Anandita. 26040119130157. Analisis Kesesuaian dan Daya
Dukung Ekowisata Kawasan Mangrove Baros, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Sri Redjeki
dan Hadi Endrawati).
Kawasan ekowisata menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata yang banyak
dikunjungi oleh wisatawan karena pemandangan alam dan suasananya. Mangrove
Baros, Bantul, Yogyakarta menjadi salah satu kawasan ekowisata yang mulai
dikembangkan tahun 2022 dan banyak dikunjungi hingga ratusan pengunjung
setiap harinya. Kondisi hutan mangrove perlu diperhatikan dalam pelaksanaan
ekowisata sehingga diperlukan perhitungan Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata serta Daya
Dukung Kawasan untuk memberikan informasi terkait kondisi di kawasan
ekowisata tersebut. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui nilai Indeks
Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW), menghitung Daya Dukung Kawasan (DDK) yang
menampilkan jumlah wisatawan yang dapat ditampung pada kawasan ekowisata.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dengan
melakukan peninjauan langsung ke kawasan mangrove. Waktu penelitian
dilakukan selama bulan Mei 2023. Penelitian dilakukan pada 5 stasiun dengan
parameter yang diambil yaitu ketebalan mangrove, kerapatan mangrove, jenis
mangrove, objek biota dan pasang surut serta data sekunder berupa wawancara dan
kuisioner. Nilai IKW yang didapatkan dengan nilai tertinggi yaitu stasiun 5 sebesar
1,5 dan nilai terendah pada stasiun 4 sebesar 1. Kelima stasiun masuk ke dalam
kategori tidak sesuai. Hasil perhitungan DDK didapatkan sebesar 282 orang/hari
dengan melakukan kegiatan seperti wisata mangrove, memancing dan rekreasi.
Rehabilitasi mangrove perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai IKW karena
ketebalan mangrove dalam kategori kurang karena faktor utama yang setiap
tahunnya mengancam kawasan mangrove yaitu banjir rob.
Kata Kunci: Baros, DDK, ekowisata, IKW, mangrove

(Assifa Yusan Anandita. 26040119130157. Analysis of Suitability and
Carrying Capacity Ecotourism in Mangrove Baros, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Sri
Redjeki and Hadi Endrawati).
Ecotourism areas are one of the tourist destinations visited by many tourists
because of their natural views and atmosphere. Baros Mangrove, Bantul,
Yogyakarta is one of the ecotourism areas that will begin to be developed in 2022
and is visited by hundreds of visitors every day. The condition of mangrove forests
needs to be considered in implementing ecotourism so that it is necessary to
calculate the Tourism Suitability Index and Area Supporting Capacity to provide
information regarding conditions in the ecotourism area. The research objective is
to determine the value of the Tourism Suitability Index (IKW), calculate the
Regional Support Capacity (DDK) which displays the number of tourists that can
be accommodated in ecotourism areas. The method used in the research is
descriptive qualitative by conducting a direct inspection of the mangrove area. The
time of the research was carried out during May 2023. The research was conducted
at 5 stations with the parameters taken, namely mangrove thickness, mangrove
density, mangrove species, biota objects and tides as well as secondary data in the
form of interviews and questionnaires. The IKW value obtained with the highest
score, namely station 5, is 1.5 and the lowest percentage is at station 4, which is 1.
The five stations included as the inappropriate category. The results of DDK
calculations were found to be 282 people/day carrying out activities such as
mangrove tourism, fishing and recreation. Mangrove rehabilitation needs to be
done to increase the IKW value because the thickness of the mangroves is in the
less category because the main factor that threatens the mangrove area every year
is tidal flooding.
Keywords: Baros, CC, ecotourism, mangrove, TSI

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Baros, DDK, ekowisata, IKW, mangrove, Baros, CC, ecotourism, TSI
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Marine Science
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 22 May 2024 03:07
Last Modified: 22 May 2024 03:07

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