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(Vallery Tesalonika. 26040117130070. Aktivitas Proteolitik Kapang
Endofit Mangrove Pada Fermentasi Tepung Ikan. Agus Trianto & Ervia
Kapang endofit mangrove dengan karakteristik ekologisnya yang berada di
habitat ekstrim dikenal memiliki potensi aktivitas enzimatik salah satunya yaitu
enzim protease. Protease memecah protein menjadi peptida atau asam amino.
Tepung ikan saat ini merupakan sumber protein utama pada pakan. Tujuan
penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui aktivitas proteolitik kapang endofit
mangrove setelah masa penyimpanan 2 tahun, mengetahui karakteristik tepung
ikan paska fermentasi menggunakan kapang endofit mangrove, dan mengetahui
profil asam amino tepung ikan yang telah difermentasi menggunakan isolat
kapang endofit mangrove. Penelitian ini menggunakan kapang dari koleksi
laboratorium Marine Natural Product UPT Laboratorium Terpadu Universitas
Diponegoro dan dilakukan peremajaan dengan media Malt Extract Agar (MEA).
Uji aktivitas proteolitik dilakukan menggunakan media Skim Milk Agar (SMA)
dengan mengukur zona hidrolisis kapang, kemudian isolat yang memiliki potensi
aktivitas proteolitik diaplikasikan pada proses fermentasi tepung ikan. Hasil
fermentasi dianalisis kandungan asam amino menggunakan metode UPLC.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 6 tahap yaitu peremajaan kapang, uji aktivitas
protease, kultur cair, fermentasi, analisis asam amino, dan analisis data. Pada uji
aktivitas, didapatkan 1 isolat yang memiliki aktivitas proteolitik dari 4 isolat
dengan enzim indeks 1,750,05 mm. Kapang ini kemudian dipilih untuk
dilakukan kultur cair dengan media Malt Extract Broth (MEB) sebagai starter
fermentasi untuk diinokulasikan ke tepung ikan pada proses fermentasi. Tepung
ikan setelah fermentasi bertekstur padat dengan warna cokelat pudar. Analisis
asam amino dari tepung ikan fermentasi dengan hasil 13 jenis asam amino dengan
asam amino tertinggi Glisin dengan konsentrasi yaitu 2860,67±44,40 mg/kg dan
L-Lisin paling sedikit yaitu 660,88±2,87 mg/kg. Fermentasi menghasilkan seluruh
jenis asam amino menurun dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Penurunan tertinggi
yaitu pada L-Arginin sebanyak 40% dan penurunan paling sedikit yaitu L-Prolin
sebanyak 9%. Tepung ikan fermentasi menghasilkan 5 jenis asam amino esensial,
yaitu L-Valin, L-Arginin, Glisin, L-Lisin, dan L-Treonin. Asam amino esensial
tertinggi yaitu Glisin dan amino esensial terendah yaitu L-Lisin. Penurunan juga
terjadi pada 5 jenis asam amino esensial yaitu antara 14—40%. Penurunan
terendah yaitu pada asam amino esensial L-Lisin (14%). Penurunan tertinggi yaitu
pada asam amino esensial L-Arginin (40%). Penurunan ini terjadi karena kapang
menggunakan asam amino sebagai sumber nitrogen untuk pertumbuhannya.
Kata kunci: asam amino; enzim proteolitik; fermentasi; kapang endofit
mangrove; tepung ikan.

(Vallery Tesalonika. 26040117130070. Proteolytic Activity of Mangrove
Endophytic Fungi on Fish Meal Fermentation Agus Trianto & Ervia Yudiati).
Mangrove endophytic fungi with their ecological characteristics in
extreme habitats are known to have potential enzymatic activities, one of which is
protease enzymes. Proteases break down proteins into peptides or amino acids.
Fishmeal is currently the main source of protein in feed. The purpose of this study
was to determine the proteolytic activity of mangrove endophytic mold after a
storage period of 2 years, to determine the characteristics of post-fermentation
fishmeal using mangrove endophytic mold, and to determine the amino acid
profile of fishmeal that has been fermented using mangrove endophytic mold
isolates. This study used fungi from the collection of Marine Natural Product
Laboratory in Universitas Diponegoro Integrated Laboratory and rejuvenated
with Malt Extract Agar (MEA) media. Proteolytic activity test was conducted
using Skim Milk Agar media by measuring the zone of mold hydrolysis, then
isolates that have potential proteolytic activity were applied to the fermentation
process of fishmeal. The fermentation results were analyzed for amino acid
content using the UPLC method. This research was conducted with 6 stages,
namely mold rejuvenation, protease activity test, liquid culture, fermentation,
amino acid analysis, and data analysis. In the activity test, 1 isolate was obtained
that had proteolytic activity from 4 isolates with an enzyme index of 1.75±0.05
mm. This mold was then selected for liquid culture with MEB media as a
fermentation starter to be inoculated into fishmeal in the fermentation process.
Fishmeal after fermentation has a solid texture with a faded brown color. Amino
acid analysis of fermented fishmeal with the results of 13 types of amino acids
with the highest amino acid Glycine with a concentration of 2860.67 ± 44.40 mg /
kg and the least L-lysine is 660.88 ± 2.87 mg / kg. Fermentation resulted in all
types of amino acids decreasing compared to the control. The highest decrease
was in L-Arginine by 40% and the least decrease was L-Proline by 9%.
Fermented fishmeal produced 5 types of essential amino acids, namely L-Valin, L
Arginine, Glycine, L-Lysine, and L-Threonine. The highest essential amino acid
was Glycine and the lowest essential amino was L-Lysine. The decrease also
occurred in 5 types of essential amino acids, between 14-40%. The lowest
decrease was in the essential amino acid L-Lysine (14%). The highest decrease
was in the essential amino acid L-Arginine (40%). This decrease occurred
because the mold used amino acids as a source of nitrogen for growth.
Keywords: amino acid; fermentation; fish meal; mangrove endophytic fungi;
proteolytic enzyme.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: asam amino; enzim proteolitik; fermentasi; kapang endofit mangrove; tepung ikan, amino acid; fermentation; fish meal; mangrove endophytic fungi; proteolytic enzyme.
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Marine Science
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 21 May 2024 04:29
Last Modified: 21 May 2024 04:29

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