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PRAJAKA, SABILA KUN (2023) POTENSI ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK PERIFITON DAUN LAMUN Thalassia hemprichii TERHADAP BAKTERI PATOGEN S.aureus DAN E.coli DI PERAIRAN PULAU PANJANG JEPARA (23dik204). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan.

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(Sabila Kun Prajaka. 26040119130179. Potensi Antibakteri Ekstrak
Perifiton Daun Lamun Thalassia hemprichii Terhadap Bakteri Patogen S. Aureus
Dan E.Coli Di Perairan Pulau Panjang Jepara. Delianis Pringgenies dan Ita
Ekosistem lamun dikenal sebagai ekosistem yang sangat produktif karena
perannya sebagai produsen primer di perairan. Lamun sendiri memiliki banyak
manfaat lain bagi kehidupan manusia salah satu contohnya sebagai antibakteri
pada bakteri patogen. Perifiton lamun yang merupakan kumpulan organisme epifit
yang diduga juga juga memliki potensi sebagai antibakteri. Ganggang planktonik
laut berpotensi menjadi sumber baru senyawa antibakteri spesifik. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang potensi ekstrak perifiton pada
daun lamun sebagai antibakteri alami terhadap bakteri pathogen S. aureus dan E.
coli. Metode yang dilakukan adalah experimental laboratories untuk menguji
suatu hipotesis tertentu. Identifikasi jenis perifiton yang digunakan dilakukan
dengan identifikasi morfologi perifiton. Ekstraksi bertingkat dilakukan pada
sampel perifiton dengan tiga pelarut yaitu n-heksana, etil asetat, dan methanol. Uji
aktivitas antibakteri dilakukan terhadap bakteri patogen S. aureus dan E. coli
dengan 4 konsentrasi ekstrak berbeda sebesar 5%,10%,15%, dan 20%. Hasil
identifikasi perifiton didapatkan 6 genus yakni Aulacoseira, Batrachospermum,
Cladophora., Meridion, Trichodesmium sp., dan Ulothrix. Hasil rendemen
ekstraksi bertingkat dengan pelarut n-heksana sebesar 4,95%, pelarut etil asetat
12,36%, dan pelarut metanol 9,62%. Pelarut n-heksana positif menghambat
pertumbuhan bakteri S.aureus pada semua konsentrasi dan menghambat E.coli
pada konsentrasi 15% dan 20%. Pelarut etil asetat dan methanol positif
menghambat S.aureus pada konsentrasi 10%,15%, dan 20% dan tidak
menghambat E.coli. Hasil tertinggi pada pengamatan 3x24 jam oleh ekstrak
pelarut methanol konsentrasi 20% dengan rata-rata zona bening 4.8±2.54. Hasil
terendah didapatkan pada ekstrak perifiton etil asetat 5% dengan rata-rata zona
bening sebesar 0.2±0.28 pada pengamatan 2x24 jam. Ekstrak perifiton berpotensi
sebagai antibakteri S.aureus dan kurang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan
bakteri E. coli.
Kata Kunci : Antibakteri, bakteri patogen, lamun, perifiton

(Sabila Kun Prajaka. 26040119130179. Antibacterial Potential of
Periphyton Extract of Thalassia hemprichii Seagrass Leaves Against Pathogenic
Bacteria S. aureus and E.coli in Panjang Island Jepara. Delianis Pringgenies
and Ita Riniatsih).
Seagrass ecosystems are known as highly productive ecosystems because
of their role as primary producers in the waters. Seagrass itself has many other
benefits for human life, one example is as an antibacterial against pathogenic
bacteria. Seagrass periphyton which is a collection of epiphytic organisms is also
suspected to have potential as an antibacterial. Marine planktonic algae have the
potential to become a new source of specific antibacterial compounds. This study
aims to provide information about the potential of periphyton extract from
seagrass leaves as a natural antibacterial against pathogenic bacteria S. aureus
and E. coli. The method used is experimental laboratories to test a certain
hypothesis. Identification of the type of periphyton used was carried out by
identifying the morphology of the periphyton. Stratified extraction was carried out
on periphyton samples with three solvents namely n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and
methanol. Antibacterial activity test was carried out on pathogenic bacteria S.
aureus and E. coli with 4 different extract concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15% and
20%. Periphyton identification results obtained 6 genera namely Aulacoseira,
Batrachospermum, Cladophora., Meridion, Trichodesmium sp., and Ulothrix. The
yield of multilevel extraction with n-hexane solvent was 4.95%, 12.36% ethyl
acetate solvent, and 9.62% methanol solvent. Positive n-hexane solvents inhibited
the growth of S.aureus bacteria at all concentrations and inhibited E.coli at
concentrations of 15% and 20%. Ethyl acetate and methanol solvents positively
inhibited S.aureus at concentrations of 10%, 15% and 20% and did not inhibit
E.coli. The highest yield was observed in 3x24 hours by 20% concentration of
methanol solvent extract with an average clear zone of 4.8 ± 2.54. The lowest
results were obtained in 5% ethyl acetate periphyton extract with an average
clear zone of 0.2 ± 0.28 in 2x24 hour observations. Periphyton extract has the
potential as an antibacterial for S.aureus and is less able to inhibit the growth of
E. coli bacteria.
Keywords : Antibacterial, pathogenic bacteria, sea grass, periphyton

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Antibakteri, bakteri patogen, lamun, perifiton Antibacterial, pathogenic bacteria, sea grass, periphyton
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Marine Science
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 06 May 2024 06:49
Last Modified: 06 May 2024 06:49

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