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DA SILVA, Saturnina Maia and Hidayat, Jafron Wasiq and Muhammad, Fuad (2023) PENGELOLAAN SUMBERDAYA DANAU TASI TOLU DI DILI, TIMOR- LESTE. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITAS DIPONEGORO.

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Danau Tasi Tolu merupakan perairan daratan yang memiliki karakteristik asin serta memiliki keunikan dan keindahan alam tersendiri. Potensi sumberdaya danau yang di memiliki oleh danau ini berupa hutan mangrove, jenis burung air, ikan, serta potensi ekowisata. Fungsi danau ini yaitu sebagai penyediaan sumberdaya ekonomi bagi kegiatan perikanan, potensi ekowisata, yang memiliki keunikan alam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji faktor biotik dan abiotik danau Tasi Tolu serta analisis pengelolaan danau. Metode yang digunakan yaitu menkaji faktor abiotik Danau yaitu metode STORED dan sesuai dengan baku mutu kelas II, sesuai peraturan Mentri Lingkungan Hidup no. 115 tahun 2003 tentang pedoman pengendalian status mutu air dan diterapkan dalam peraturan pemerintah Republik Indonesia no.82/ 2001, sedangkan analisis pengelolaan danau meliputi sosial ekonomi yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil analisis faktor abiotik menunjukan beberapa parameter dalam kondisi cemar sedang dengan parameter kimia terdiri dari nilai pH dan DO masih memenuhi nilai baku mutu, parameter fisika berupa nilai suhu yaitu memenuhi nilai baku mutu, sedangkan nilai kekeruhan dan TDS yaitu melebihi nilai baku mutu, faktor biotik yang ada di Danau Tasi Tolu yaitu ikan khususnya ikan mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus), hutan mangrove, dan burung air. Hasil analisis pengelolaan danau meliputi sosial-ekonomi yang terdiri dari persepsi masyarakat tentang kondisi Danau Tasi Tolu saat ini, dari responden masyarakat yaitu 60 %, baik dan 40%, kurang baik.
Kata kunci : Danau Tasi Tolu, sumberdaya danau, persepsi masyarakat

Tasi Tolu Lake is an inland water which has salty characteristics and has its own uniqueness and natural beauty. The potential of lake resources owned by this lake is in the form of mangrove forests, water bird species, fish, and ecotourism potential. The function of this lake is to provide economic resources for fishing activities, ecotourism potential, which has a unique nature. The purpose of this study was to analyze the biotic and abiotic factors of Tasi Tolu lake and to analyze the management of the lake. The method used is to analyze the abiotic factors of the lake, namely the STORED method and in accordance with class II quality standards, according to the regulation of the Minister of Environment no. 115 of 2003 concerning guidelines for controlling the status of water quality and implemented in the Republic of Indonesia government regulation no.82/2001, while the analysis of lake management includes socio-economic qualitative is descriptive methods. The results of the analysis of abiotic factors consisting of the waters of Tasi Tolu Lake is moderately polluted conditions, with chemical parameters consisting of pH and DO values is fulfill water quality standard values, physical parameters in the form of temperature values is same fulfill, while turbidity and TDS values is exceed the quality standard values, biotic factors in Lake Tasi Tolu namely fish, especially mujair fish (Oreochromis mossambicus), mangrove forests, and water birds. The results of the analysis of lake management include socio-economic which consists of people's perceptions of the current condition of Tasi Tolu Lake, from community respondents is 60%, good and 40%, less good.
Keywords: Tasi Tolu Lake, lake resources, community perceptions

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Danau Tasi Tolu, sumberdaya danau, persepsi masyarakat
Subjects: Sciences and Mathemathic
Divisions: Postgraduate Program > Master Program in Environmental Science
Depositing User: ekana listianawati
Date Deposited: 29 Dec 2023 08:34
Last Modified: 29 Dec 2023 08:34

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