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The Effectiveness of Using Finger Prints in Supporting the Work Discipline of Educators at the Wachid Hasyim I Foundation

Holifah, Nur and Hardaningtyas, Dwi (2022) The Effectiveness of Using Finger Prints in Supporting the Work Discipline of Educators at the Wachid Hasyim I Foundation. In: International Conference Proceeding ICISPE Universitas Diponegoro 22 EMBRACING GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION: COLLABORATIVE INNOVATIONS TROUGH SOCIAL AND POLITICAL RESEARCH 7-8 SEPT 2022. ICISPE Fisip Undip, Semarang. ISBN ISSN 2593-7650 (Submitted)

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8_Nur Holifah_The Effectiveness of Using Finger Prints in Supporting the Work Discipline of Educators at the Wachid Hasyim I Foundation.pdf - Submitted Version

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Technological developments in the era of globalization are increasingly sophisticated,
making it easier for all people to access information. Many sophisticated tools are used by the office, but
one of them is the use of Automatic Finger Print Identification System (AFIS) Attendance. Attendance
Automatic Finger Print Identification System (AFIS) is a tool that really
helps office employees or educators and education staff at the Wachid Hasyim I Foundation Surabaya
in terms of the attendance system. This research was conducted to find out how the mechanism and
effectiveness of the use of fingerprints in supporting the work discipline of educators at the Wachid
Hasyim I Foundation in Surabaya. The theory used is the theory of effectiveness according to Tangkilisan
with four indicators, namely target achievement, adaptability, job satisfaction, and responsibility. This
type of research is descriptive and qualitative using data collection techniques, namely interviews,
observation, and documentation. The data analysis used is collection, reduction, display, and verification.
The results of this study are first, the mechanism for using fingerprints at the Wachid Hasyim I
Foundation in Surabaya is running well in improving the discipline of employees or educators and
education staff. The second level of effectiveness of the use of fingerprints in supporting work discipline
at the Wachid Hasyim I Foundation Surabaya has not been effective because several findings were found
in the field such as being late for school, not in the room (teacher's room) when working hours are still
ongoing, Returning from lunch break past the time limit. determined and returned to the room from a
break nearing work hours (various reasons were found such as picking up children from school, going
shopping to the market, going to take private lessons) so that they forgot to attend Finger Print
when they came home from work.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Finger Print, Work Discipline

Item Type: Book Section
Subjects: Social Science and Political Science
Depositing User: diana nirwani
Date Deposited: 13 Oct 2023 02:25
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2023 02:25

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