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Pantai utara Jawa Tengah sering mengalami banjir setiap tahun akibat perubahan fungsi tata guna lahan yang berubah menjadi kawasan industri dan pemukiman. Kabupaten Demak merupakan salah satu daerah yang terkena dampak banjir, salah satunya akibat luapan Sungai Tuntang. Banjir di Sungai Tuntang terbagi atas banjir yang mengalir dari hulu, banjir lokal akibat luas penampang air yang tidak mampu menampung debit air, dan banjir pasang air laut. Masalah lain yang timbul adalah kualitas air yang semakin tercemar akibat pembuangan limbah ke badan sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji rekaman kondisi perairan hilir Sungai Tuntang, kualitas air di masa sekarang, dan strategi pengelolaan alternatif di hilir Sungai Tuntang. Penelitian ini menggabungkan antara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan diatom sebagai bioindikator dan kualitatif melalui pendekatan SWOT. Sampling dilakukan pada 26 Januari 2022 di empat stasiun penelitian. Sampel sedimen diambil dengan dissection correr dan sampel air diukur secara n situ dan diuji secara ex situ. Pemisahan diatom dengan sedimen dilakukan dengan digesti larutan HCl dan H2O2 10% selama 2 jam. Indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-wierner, Indeks kemerataan evenness, dan Indeks dominansi simpson dihitung dengan menggunakan PAST 4.12, indeks diatom dihitung dengan menggunakan Omnidia 6.1. Biological Diatom Index (IBD), Generic Diatom Index (IDG), Spesific Pollution Sensitivity Index (IPS), dan Tropic Diatom Index (TDI) merupakan diatom indeks yang mampu mempresentasikan kondisi di hilir Sungai Tuntang. Hilir Sungai Tuntang memiliki tingkat trofik mesotrofik hingga eutrofik. Spesies A. ambigua, C. placentula, G. pumilum var rigidum, M. atomus, M. varians, N. rostellata, N. viridula, N. palea, N. microcephala, P. borealis, dan S. brebissonii merupakan diatom yang ditemukan pad rentang meso-eutrofik. Berdasarkan indeks diversitas, indeks keanekaragaman shannon-wierner (H’) di stasiun 1 berkisar antara 1,92-2,78, stasiun 2 berkisar antara 2,16-2,99, stasiun 3 berkisar antara 2,03-3,64, dan stasiun 4 berkisar antara 1,89-3,4 yang menandakan bahwa ekosistem berada pada kondisi cukup stabil hingga stabil yang dibuktikan adanya variasi spesies yang ditemukan. Perhitungan indeks pencemaran (PI) menunjukkan bahwa hilir Sungai Tuntang mengalami kondisi tercemar ringan dengan BOD, Cr, dan Pb melebihi baku mutu kelas II. Berdasarkan rumusan analisis SWOT, diagram SWOT menunjukkan pada kuadran I (0,01;1,34) yang berarti perumusan strategi pengelolaan bedasarkan strategi agresif-progresif. Analisa strategi strenght (S) dan opportunity (O) didapatkan 7 rumusan strategi pengelolaan yang ditetapkan berbeda di masing-masing stasiun berdasarkan kepentingan dan kebutuhan masyarakat.
Kata kunci: diatom, kualitas perairan, paleolimnologi, strategi pengelolaan, Sungai Tuntang
The northern coast of Central Java often experiences flooding every year due to changes in land use functions that have turned into industrial and residential areas. Demak Regency is one of the areas affected by flooding, one of which is due to the overflow of the Tuntang River. Floods on the Tuntang River are divided into floods that flow from upstream, local floods due to the cross-sectional area of the water being unable to accommodate the water discharge, and tidal floods. Another problem is the increasingly polluted water quality from waste disposal into river bodies. This study examines the record of water conditions downstream of the Tuntang River, current water quality, and alternative management strategies downstream of the Tuntang River. This study combines quantitative using diatoms as bioindicators and qualitative through a SWOT approach. Sampling was carried out on 26 January 2022 at four research stations. Sediment samples were taken with a dissection correr, and water samples were measured in situ and tested ex-situ. Diatoms were separated from sediment by digestion with 10% HCl and H2O2 solution for 2 hours. Shannon-wiener diversity index, Evenness evenness index, and Simpson dominance index were calculated using PAST 4.12; the diatom index was calculated using Omnidia 6.1. The Biological Diatom Index (IBD), Generic Diatom Index (IDG), Specific Pollution Sensitivity Index (IPS), and Tropic Diatom Index (TDI) are diatom indices that can represent conditions downstream of the Tuntang River. The lower Tuntang River has mesotrophic to eutrophic trophic levels. Species A. ambigua, C. placentula, G. pumilum var rigidum, M. atomus, M. varians, N. rostellata, N. viridula, N. palea, N. microcephala, P. borealis, and S. brebissonii are diatoms that found in the meso-eutrophic range. Based on the diversity index, the Shannon-Wierner diversity index (H') at station 1 ranged from 1.92-2.78, station 2 ranged from 2.16-2.99, station 3 ranged from 2.03-3.64, and station 4 ranged from 1.89-3.4 which indicates that the ecosystem is in a reasonably stable to the stable condition as evidenced by the variety of species found. Calculation of the pollution index (PI) shows that the downstream of the Tuntang River is experiencing a slightly polluted condition with BOD, Cr, and Pb exceeding class II quality standards. Based on the formulation of the SWOT analysis, the SWOT diagram shown in quadrant I (0.01; 1.34) means the management strategy formulation is based on an aggressive-progressive strategy. Analysis of the strategy of strength (S) and opportunity (O) obtained seven formulations of different management strategies at each station based on the interests and needs of the community.
Keywords: diatom, paleolimnology, water quality, river management, Tuntang River
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | diatom, kualitas perairan, paleolimnologi, strategi pengelolaan, Sungai Tuntang |
Subjects: | Sciences and Mathemathic |
Divisions: | Postgraduate Program > Master Program in Environmental Science |
Depositing User: | ekana listianawati |
Date Deposited: | 21 Jul 2023 08:06 |
Last Modified: | 21 Jul 2023 08:06 |
URI: | |
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