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Ashlikhatul Fuadah, Likha (2022) ONOMATOPE DALAM LAGU ANAK BAHASA JEPANG DAN BAHASA JAWA (KAJIAN KONTRASTIF) 日本語とジャワ語の子供の歌におけるオノマトペの対照分析. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Diponegoro.

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Fuadah, Ashlikhatul. 2022. “Onomatopoeia of Japanese and Javanese Children’s Songs (Contrastive Analysis)”.Thesis. Department of Japanese Language and Culture, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University. The Advisor : S.I. Trahutami, S.S., M.Hum.
This study aims to describe the similarities and differences of onomatopheia form and meaning between Japanese and Javanese children’s songs. This study use observation methods and followed by note-taking techniques to collecting the data. Then, the data were analyzed using the contrastive linguistic theory and were described by using informal method.
Based on the result of the 21 Japanese and Javanese children’s songs data analyze, it can be concluded that: 1) the type of onomatopoeia that is most used in the children songs data of both languages is onomatopoeia in the form of sounds form inanimate objects; 2) in the children song data of both languages, there are onomatopoeias which have the same meaning. On the other hand, the differences of onomatopoeia in the Japanese and Javanese children’s songs data are: 1) the form of onomatopoeia that is most widely used in Japanese children’s songs data is repetition (hanpuku), whereas the Javanese children’s songs data is dominated by onomatopoeia in the form of partial repetition of words (dwilingga salin swara); 2) In the Javanese children’s songs data, this study found onomatopoeia that used affixes form, but there’s no onomatopoeia with such form was found in the Japanese children’s songs data.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: Humanities
Divisions: Faculty of Humanities > Department of Japanese
Depositing User: Mr indra kusuma
Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2023 03:22
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2023 03:22

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