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PERTIWI, DIAN AZ-ZAHRA HANA (2022) MORTALITAS DAN PEMANFAATAN RAJUNGAN (Portunus pelagicus) DI PERAIRAN JEPARA, JAWA TENGAH (22m561). Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Diponegoro.

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Dian Az-zahra Hana Pertiwi. 26010118140063. Mortalitas dan Pemanfaatan
Rajungan (Portunus Pelagicus) di Perairan Jepara, Jawa Tengah (Suradi Wijaya
Saputra dan Max Rudolf Muskananfola)
Laut Jawa masuk dalam Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan (WPP) 712 dan
merupakan produksi terbesar rajungan yang menyumbangkan sekitar 47.49 % dari
total produksi rajungan nasional. Berdasarkan Kepmen KP Nomor 19 Tahun 2022
tentang estimasi potensi sumber daya ikan, jumlah tangkapan ikan yang
diperbolehkan, dan tingkat pemanfaatan sumber daya ikan di wilayah Pengelolaan
Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia, tingkat pemanfaatan rajungan yang berada
pada WPP 712 memiliki nilai 0,7menandakan bahwa telah melebihi batas yaitu 0,5
atau over fishing. Laju pemanfaatan yang cenderung berlebih merupakan sinyal
adanya permasalahan pemanfaatan sumber daya rajungan. Tujuan penelitian ini
adalah untukmengetahui laju mortalitaspenangkapan (F),mortalitasalami (M)
danmortalitastotal (Z) serta status pemanfaatan rajungan di perairan
TelukAwurJepara, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan MeiAgustus 2022 dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 219 ekor.Data yang diukurberupa
lebar karapas, jarak penangkapan dan jenis kelamin. Hasil menunjukan bahwa lebar
karapas yang tertangkapberkisar antara 75–148 mm. Koefisien pertumbuhan (K)
rajungan 0,5 mm/tahun, lebar asimtotik (L∞) 146,48 mm, dan t028º
C. Laju
mortalitas total (Z) sebesar 6,62/tahun, laju mortalitas alami (M) sebesar
1,59/tahun, laju mortalitas penangkapan (F) sebesar 5,03/tahun,dantingkat
pemanfaatan rajungan (E ) sebesar 0,76.Hal
tersebutmenunjukkanbahwapemanfaatanrajungan di perairanJepara telah
melampauibatas optimum.
Kata Kunci : Bubu, Pola Distribusi, Struktur Ukuran, WPP 712

Dian Az-zahra Hana Pertiwi. 26010118140063. Mortality and Utilisation of Blue
Crab (Portunus pelagicus) in Jepara Waters, Central Java(Suradi Wijaya
Saputra dan Max Rudolf Muskananfola)
The Java Sea is included in the Fishery Management Area (WPP) 712 and
is the largest crab production which contributes around 47.49% of the total
national crab production. Based on Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Decree No. 19 of 2022 concerning estimation of potential fish resources, number
of fish catches allowed, and level of utilization of fish resources in the Fisheries
Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia, the level of crab utilization in WPP
712 has a value of 0.7 indicating that it has been exceeding the limit, namely 0.5 or
over fishing. The rate of utilization which tends to be excessive is a signal of
problems with the utilization of crab resources. The purpose of this study was to
determine the fishing mortality rate (F), natural mortality (M) and total mortality
(Z) and the status of crab utilization in the waters of Awur Bay, Jepara, Central
Java. This research was conducted in May-August 2022 and a sample of 219
animals was obtained. The data measured were carapace width, fishing distance
and sex. The results showed that the width of the carapace caught ranged from 75–
148 mm. The growth coefficient (K) of crab is 0.5 mm/year, the asymptotic width
(L∞) is 146.48 mm, and t0 is 28ºC. The total mortality rate (Z) is 6.62/year, the
natural mortality rate (M) is 1.59/year, the fishing mortality rate (F) is 5.03/year,
and the crab utilization rate (E) is 0.76 . This shows that the utilization of blue
swimming crab in Jepara waters has exceeded the optimum limit.
Keywords: Bubu, Distribution Pattern, Size Structure, WPP 712

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bubu, Pola Distribusi, Struktur Ukuran, WPP 712, Distribution Pattern, Size Structure
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Aquatic Resources
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 20 Jan 2023 03:30
Last Modified: 24 May 2023 02:10

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