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Denny Hendrik Nainggolan, 26040118140079. Kandungan Mikroplastik Di Pantai
Karang Jahe, Rembang, Jawa Tengah (Agus Indarjo dan Chrisna Adhi Suryono)
Sampah merupakan masalah global, baik di darat maupun di laut. Sampah juga
merupakan masalah yang sulit dipecahkan di Indonesia. Seiring dengan pertambahan
penduduk dan aktivitas yang meningkat, jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan juga
meningkat. Sampah yang paling sering ditemui di darat dan di laut adalah sampah
plastik. Sampah plastik yang terdegradasi di badan air dapat menghasilkan partikel
plastik berukuran kecil < 5 mm, yang dikenal sebagai mikroplastik. Mikroplastik
dapat mempengaruhi dan mengkonsumsi organisme laut dengan tingkat nutrisi
terendah, seperti plankton, yang merupakan organisme filter feeder. Tujuan penelitian
yaitu guna mengidentifikasi kadar mikroplastik pada sedimen dan air permukaan di
Pantai Karanjahe. Sampel dalam penelitian berasal dari Pantai Karang Jahe, Rembang
yang selanjutnya dianalisis di laboratorium. Sampel air dikumpulkan dengan plankton
net dengan ukuran mesh 0,4 mm sedangkan sampel sedimen dengan pipa paralon
berukuran 4 inci dnegan panjang 50 cm. Pengambilan sampel air dilakukan pada 3
titik yang terpisah dengan jarak 10 m dari masing-masing titik. Sampel air diambil
sebanyak 1L dan diulang sebanyak 25 kali sehingga total volume yang terkumpul
adalah 25L. Sesudah disaring, sampel ditempatkan dalam botol sampel berukuran
250mL yang sudah diberikan label dan ditempatkan dalam cool box untuk mencegah
kerusakan. Pengambilan sampel sedimen dilakukan pada 3 stasiun dan ditetapkan 3
titik kedalaman yang berbeda yaitu 10 cm, 20 cm dan 30 cm. Sampel sedimen
diambil dari masing-masing titik hingga ±500 g dan diletakkan pada wadah plastik
yang sudah diberi label. Sampel air dan sedimen kemudian dibawa ke laboratorium
untuk diidentifikasi lebih lanjut. 4 jenis mikroplastik terdeteksi dalam sampel air
adalah fiber, film, fragment, dan foam. Sementara itu, pada sampel sedimen terdeteksi
tiga jenis mikroplastik yaitu fiber, film, dan fragment.
Kata kunci: Mikroplastik, Pantai KarangJahe, Pencemaran.

Denny Hendrik Nainggolan, 26040118140079. Microplastic Content in Karang
Jahe Beach, Rembang, Central Java (Agus Indarjo and Chrisna Adhi Suryono)
Waste is a global problem, both on land and at sea. Waste is also a difficult
problem to solve in Indonesia. Along with population growth and increased activity,
the amount of waste produced also increases. The most common waste found on land
and in the sea is plastic waste. Degraded plastic waste in water bodies can produce
plastic particles as small as 5 mm in size, known as microplastics. Because of these
properties, the presence of microplastics can affect marine ecosystems. Microplastics
can affect and consume marine organisms with the lowest levels of nutrients, such as
plankton, which are filter feeder organisms. The purpose of this study was to identify
the levels of microplastics in sediment and surface water at Karanjahe Beach. The
sample in this study came from Karang Jahe Beach, Rembang which was then
analyzed in the laboratory. Water samples were collected using a plankton net with a
mesh size of 0.4 mm, while sediment samples were collected using a 4 inch paralon
pipe with a length of 50 cm. Water sampling was carried out at 3 separate points with
a distance of 10 m from each point. Water samples were taken as much as 1L and
repeated 25 times so that the total volume collected was 25L. After filtering, the
sample was placed in a 250 mL sample bottle which had been labeled and placed in a
cool box to prevent damage. Sediment sampling was carried out at 3 stations and
determined at 3 different depth points, namely 10 cm, 20 cm and 30 cm. Sediment
samples were taken from each point up to ±500 g and placed in labeled plastic
containers. The water and sediment samples were then taken to the laboratory for
further identification. Four types of microplastics were detected in water samples,
namely fiber, film, fragment, and foam. Meanwhile, three types of microplastic were
detected in sediment samples, namely fiber, film, and fragment.
Keywords: Microplastics, KarangJahe Beach, Pollution.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mikroplastik, Pantai KarangJahe, Pencemaran, Microplastics, KarangJahe Beach, Pollution
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Marine Science
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 20 Jan 2023 02:39
Last Modified: 25 May 2023 02:18

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