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Azizah Qalbi Az Zahra. 26040118140106. Kelimpahan Mikroplastik pada Karang
Berdasarkan Ukuran Koralit di Pulau Panjang, Jepara. (Diah Permata Wijayanti
dan Dwi Haryanti)
Pencemaran laut saat ini menjadi suatu permasalahan lingkungan krusial
yang harus dihadapi oleh Indonesia. Penyebab pencemaran laut diantaranya adalah
keberadaan sampah plastik yang dapat mengancam keseimbangan ekosistem.
Sampah plastik yang tersebar luas di daratan pada akhirnya akan berpindah menuju
perairan dan menjadi sampah lautan (marine debris). Seiring waktu, sampah plastik
berukuran besar akan terurai akibat proses hidrodinamika perairan menjadi partikelpartikel kecil berukuran ≤ 5 mm yang disebut mikroplastik. Keberadaan
mikroplastik dengan ukurannya yang mikroskopis mengancam kehidupan
organisme laut karena mudah masuk dalam jaringan tubuh, termasuk karang.
Mikroplastik yang ada di kolom perairan dapat masuk ke dalam karang akibat
ketidakmampuan karang dalam membedakan mikroplastik dengan sumber
makanannya. Jumlah kelimpahan mikroplastik pada karang diduga berkaitan
dengan ukuran koralit karang.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan mikroplastik pada
karang Galaxea fascicularis, Goniastrea aspera, Pocillopora damicornis,
Acropora yongei dan mengetahui perbedaan kelimpahan mikroplastik berdasarkan
ukuran koralit karang Pulau Panjang, Jepara. Sampel yang digunakan pada
penelitian ini adalah karang koralit besar G. fascicularis dan G. aspera serta karang
koralit kecil P. damicornis dan A. yongei. Sampel koloni karang yang diambil
berukuran 3 – 5 cm yang kemudian dipecah menjadi 3 fragmen berukuran 2 – 3 cm
dan dimasukkan pada botol sampel berisi larutan etanol 70%. Sampel karang
dihaluskan dan ditambahkan larutan H2O2 30% sebanyak 200 ml dan ZnCl2 (ρ 1,5 g cm-3) sebanyak 200 ml selama 1x24 jam. Sampel disaring menggunakan vacuum
pump dengan kertas saring Whatman diameter 90 mm pore size 4 µm. Mikroplastik
yang diperoleh diidentifikasi berdasarkan bentuknya, yaitu fragmen, film, dan fiber menggunakan mikroskop stereo perbesaran 30x. Identifikasi jenis mikroplastik
dilakukan dengan Uji FTIR.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan mikroplastik tertinggi
terdapat pada karang koralit kecil, yaitu P. damicornis sebesar 10.81 partikel/g dan
pada A. yongei sebesar 8.93 partikel/g, diikuti karang koralit besar G. fascicularis
sebesar 5.62 partikel/g dan G. aspera sebesar 4.58 partikel/g. Berdasarkan Uji
Statistik One-Way ANOVA, tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antara kelimpahan
mikroplastik pada spesies karang koralit besar dengan karang koralit kecil (p >0.05). Jenis mikroplastik berdasarkan Uji FTIR diduga adalah Polyvinyl chloride
Kata Kunci: Mikroplastik, Koralit, Karang, FTIR, Pulau Panjang Jepara

Azizah Qalbi Az Zahra. 26040118140106. Analysis of Microplastic Abundance
on Corals Based on Coralite Size in Panjang Island, Jepara. (Diah Permata
Wijayanti dan Dwi Haryanti)
Marine pollution is currently a crucial environmental problem that must be
faced by Indonesia. One of the causes of marine pollution is the presence of plastic
waste that can threaten the balance of the ecosystem. Plastic waste that is
widespread on land will eventually move into the waters and become marine debris.
Over time, large plastic waste will decompose due to the hydrodynamic process of
water into small particles measuring ≤ 5 mm which are called microplastics. The
existence of microplastics with their microscopic size threatens the life of marine
organisms because they easily enter body tissues, including corals. Microplastics
in the water column can enter corals due to the inability of corals to distinguish
microplastics from their food sources. The abundance of microplastics in corals is
thought to be related to the size of coral corallites.
This study aimed to determine the abundance of microplastics in corals
Galaxea fascicularis, Goniastrea aspera, Pocillopora damicornis, Acropora
yongei and to determine differences in the abundance of microplastics based on the
size of coral reefs in Panjang Island, Jepara. The samples used in this study were
large corallites G. fascicularis and G. aspera and small corallites P. damicornis
and A. yongei. Samples of coral colonies taken measuring 3 – 5 cm were then
broken into 3 fragments measuring 2 – 3 cm and put in a sample bottle containing
70% ethanol solution. Coral samples were crushed and added 200 ml of 30% H2O2
solution and 200 ml of ZnCl2 (ρ 1.5 g cm-3) for 1x24 hours. The sample was filtered
using a vacuum pump with Whatman filter paper with a diameter of 90 mm, pore
size 4 m. The obtained microplastics were identified based on their shape, namely
fragments, films, and fibers using a stereo microscope with 30x magnification.
Identification of the type of microplastic is carried out by the FTIR test.
The results showed that the highest abundance of microplastics was found
in small corallites, namely P. damicornis at 10.81 particles/g and in A. yongei at 8.93 particles/g, followed by large corallite corals G. fascicularis at 5.62
particles/g and G. aspera at 4.58 particles/g. Based on the One-Way ANOVA
statistical test, there was no significant difference between the abundance of
microplastics in large corallite coral species and small corallite coral species (p >
0.05). The type of microplastic based on the FTIR test is suspected to be Polyvinyl
chloride (PVC).
Keywords: Microplastic, Corallite, Coral, FTIR, Panjang Island Jepara

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mikroplastik, Koralit, Karang, FTIR, Pulau Panjang Jepara, Microplastic, Corallite, Coral, FTIR, Panjang Island Jepara
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Marine Science
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2023 07:50
Last Modified: 25 May 2023 02:21

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