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Items where Year is 2007
ISGIYARTA, Jaka (2007) Accounting and Budgeting for Disasater Recovery Plan. The 1 St Interbational Woorkshop on Disaster Prevention and Rehabilitation : "How to Convey an Effective use off Accounting and Busgeting for Disaster Recovery". ISSN ISBN No :978-979-16863-0-3
ISGIYARTA, Jaka (2007) Accounting and Budgeting for Disaster Recovery Plan. The Its International Medical Workshop "The New Science of Mass Disaster".
ISGIYARTA, Jaka (2007) Accounting and Budgeting for Disaster Recovery Plan. The Its International Accounting Workshop on Disaster Prevention and Rehabilitation.
ISGIYARTA, Jaka (2007) Accounting and Budgeting for Disaster Recovery Plan. The 1st International Accounting Workshop on Disaster Prevention and Rehabilitation "How to Convey an Effective use of Accounting and Budgeting for Disaster Recovery".
Sarjito, Sarjito and Prayitno, Slamet Budi and Radjasa, Ocky Karna and Hutabarat, Sahala (2007) Karakterisasi dan patogenesitas Agensia Penyebab Vibriosis pada Kerapu macan ( Epinephelus fuscoguttatus ) dari Karimunjawa. Aquacultura lndonesiana, 8 (2). ISSN 0216-0749
Sri Widodo, Agung Suedy (2007) BIOSFERA_2007 Vol. 24 No. 3. Majalah Ilmiah Biologi Biosfera, 24 (3). pp. 131-137. ISSN 0853-1625