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Place attachment adalah keterikatan manusia terhadap tempat yang berkaitan dengan ikatan emosi dan kognisi yang berkembang selama terjadinya interaksi manusia dengan tempat tersebut. Place attachment berfungsi meningkatkan rasa memiliki terhadap suatu tempat. Kampung Batik Semarang merupakan salah satu kampung kota bersejarah yang menjadi kampung wisata yang memiliki kekhasan berkaitan dengan batik Semarangan. Dulunya kampung ini memiliki image kumuh, namun saat ini mengalami peningkatan kualitas dan terdapat aktivitas wisata maupun interaksi sosial, sehingga mampu menciptakan place attachment. Place attachment tersebut terbangun melalui runtutan proses place making, lalu place identity dan selanjutnya place dependence yang pada setiap prosesnya terdapat aspek manusia, tempat dan proses. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksploratif rasionalistik menggunakan instrumen penelitian yaitu, studi pustaka, observasi lapangan dan wawancara mendalam dengan teknik snowball yang respondennya bersifat purposive. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi tempat-tempat yang mengandung place attachment, untuk mengetahui proses dan faktor-faktor yang membangun place attachment, serta memetakan pola hubungan tempat-tempat tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah place attachment Kampung Batik Semarang terbangun dari 9 tempat, yaitu Jalan Batik, Jalan Batik Gedong, Jalan Batik Tengah, Lapangan, Lengkong, Gang Panggung, Kampoeng Djadoel, Balai Batik dan Toko Batik Ngesti Pandowo. Place making terjadi pada elemen fisik, melalui rekonstrusi tempat serta pada elemen aktivitas dan fungsi, yaitu berkembangnya aktivitas laten yang tidak diprediksi. Place identity dibangun melalui identitas fisiknya, berupa path, nodes, landmark dan district serta melalui identitas non fisiknya berupa aktivitas, simbol dan makna. Place dependence pada kampung ini tampak pada rasa memiliki, rasa aman, rasa bangga, memori, rasa seperti di rumah sendiri, dan keinginan menjaga tempat. Sembilan tempat tersebut merupakan setting, yang berdasarkan pemetaan perilaku menggunakan teknik place center mapping, didalamnya terdapat 3 jenis aktivitas, yaitu aktivitas sosial, wisata dan pendukung serta diketahui pula bahwa Jalan Batik Gedong dan Lapangan merupakan tempat yang paling banyak digunakan. Sedangkan melalui teknik person center mapping diketahui bahwa terdapat pola perilaku pada setiap settingnya. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terbangunnya place attachment di kampung ini yaitu, terpenuhinya kebutuhan warga akan suatu ruang publik, faktor sejarah dan budaya, faktor ekonomi, serta lokasi, kondisi fisik dan fasilitas yang tersedia.

Kata Kunci : place attachment, place making, place identity, place dependence, Kampung Batik Semarang


Place attachment is a human attachment to a place related to emotional and cognitive bonds that develop during human interaction with that place. Place attachment serves to increase the sense of belonging to a place. Kampung Batik Semarang is one of the historic urban villages that has become a tourist village that has a uniqueness related to Semarangan batik. In the past, this village had a slum image, but now it is experiencing an increase in quality and there are tourism activities and social interactions, so that it is able to create place attachments. The place attachment is built through a sequence of place making processes, then place identity and then place dependence, where in each process there are aspects of humans, places and processes. This study uses a qualitative method with a rationalistic exploratory approach using research instruments, namely, literature study, field observations and in-depth interviews with the snowball technique whose respondents are purposive. This study aims to identify places that contain place attachments, to find out the processes, to find factors that build place attachments, and to map the relationship patterns of these places. The result of this research is that the place attachment of Kampung Batik Semarang is built from 9 places, namely Batik Street, Batik Gedong Street, Central Batik Street, Field, Lengkong, Stage Gang, Kampoeng Djadoel, Batik Hall and Batik Shop Ngesti Pandowo. Place making occurs in the physical element, through the reconstruction of the place as well as in the activity and function elements, namely the development of unpredictable latent activities. Place identity is built through its physical identity, in the form of paths, nodes, landmarks and districts and through non-physical identities in the form of activities, symbols and meanings. Place dependence on this village is seen in a sense of belonging, a sense of security, a sense of pride, memory, a sense of being at home, and a desire to maintain a place. The nine places are settings, which are based on behavioral mapping using place center mapping techniques, in which there are 3 types of activities, namely social, tourism and support activities and it is also known that Jalan Batik Gedong and the Field are the most widely used places. Meanwhile, through the person center mapping technique, it is known that there are behavioral patterns in each setting. The factors that influence the establishment of place attachments in this village are the fulfillment of the residents' needs for a public space, historical and cultural factors, economic factors, as well as location, physical conditions and available facilities.

Keywords : place attachment, place making, place identity, place dependence, Semarang’s Batik Village

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: Engineering > Architecture Engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering > Master Program in Architecture
Depositing User: Users 187 not found.
Date Deposited: 09 Sep 2022 02:19
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2023 01:29

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