SINYO, Yumima and Anggoro, Sutrisno and Soeprobowati, Tri Retnaningsih (2021) OSMOREGULASI DAN BIOEKOLOGI MOLUSKA Teredo. navalis Linnaeus 1758 PADA HABITAT MANGROVE YANG MENGALAMI STRES OSMOTIK LINGKUNGAN DI HALMAHERA TIMUR. Doctoral thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies.
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T. navalis Linnaeus 1758 merupakan organisme euryhaline osmoregulator yang dapat beradaptasi dengan kadar salinitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) pola osmoregulasi T. navalis yang berhabitat di akar dan batang mangrove mangrove Rhizopora sp dan Avecenia sp, (2) kadar garam pada akar, batang dan daun, (3) karakter morfologi dan kepadatan populasi T. navalis, (4) kadar protein T. navalis dan (5) strategi domestikasi T. navalis melalui optimalisasi media, pola pertumbuhan dan faktor kondisi lingkungan bervegetasi mangrove di Halmahera Timur. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu studi kasus menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan eksperimen. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilaksanakan di perairan mangrove Wailukum Kabupaten Halmahera Timur. Penelitian pola osmoregulasi, salinitas dan kadar garam dilakukan di Laboratorium MSDP UNDIP. Karakteristik morfologi dan kepadatan populasi dilakukan di laboratorium Biologi UNKHAIR. Kadar protein T. navalis dilakukan di laboratorium BBTPPI Semarang. Pengelolaan lingkungan media yang optimum untuk domestikasi T. navalis dilakukan di perairan mangrove Wailukum Halmahera Timur menggunakan metode eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai TKO T. navalis di habitat alami bervariasi dari 17 hingga lebih besar dari 500 mOsm/l H2O. Osmoregulasi T. navalis bersifat osmoregulator dengan pola osmoregulasi hiperosmotik pada saat batang dan akar mangrove terendam air tawar, berpola hipoosmotik pada saat batang dan akar mangrove terendam air laut pasang, serta berpola isohiperosmotik sampai isoosmotik selama terendam air payau dengsn TKO sebesar 17-19 mOsm/l H2O. Kadar garam tertinggi pada media akar Avicennia sp (31‰) dan terendah pada daun Rhizopora sp (10‰). Karakteristik morfologi T. navalis yang ditemukan yaitu permukaan tubuh berwarna bening dan halus, terdapat cangkang di kepala berwarna bening kekuningan, insang berwarna merah kecoklatan, mempunyai 2 tentakel bertekstur lembut dan jernih, tekstur tubuh elastis, padat dan licin. Tubuh berukuran 15 cm, 30 cm dan 60 cm. Kepadatan populasi T. navalis yaitu 0,65 ind/m2 hingga 1,85 ind/m2. Kadar protein T. navalis adalah 13,30 %. Lingkungan media optimum untuk domestikasi T. navalis dan pola osmoregulasi, yaitu 16‰. Pola pertumbuhan T. navalis allometrik nilai b ≠ 3. Nilai faktor kondisi T. navalis tertinggi pada habitat batang Avicennia sp (W = 9,786 + 0,756x), nilai Y = -0,0046x2 + 1,115x + 3,8989 dan R2 = 0,9751. Nilai faktor kondisi (FK) terendah ditemukan pada habitat batang Rhizophora sp (W = 0,657 + 0,741x), nilai Y = -0,0309x2 + 2,8533x – 32,701, R2 = 0,9751 menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan sebesar (sig<0,05).
Kata Kunci: Osmoregulasi, Bioekologi, T. navalis, Habitat mangrove, Halmahera Timur
T. navalis Linnaeus 1758 is a euryhaline osmoregulator organism that can adapt to salinity levels. This study aimed to analyze (1) the osmoregulation pattern of T. navalis inhabiting the roots and stems of the Rhizopora sp and Avecenia sp mangroves, (2) the salt content of the roots, stems and leaves, (3) the morphological character and population density of T. navalis, (4) protein content of T. navalis and (5) domestication strategy of T. navalis through optimization of media, growth patterns and environmental conditions of mangrove vegetation in East Halmahera. This type of research is a case study using purposive sampling and experimental methods. The sampling of the research was carried out in the Wailukum mangrove waters, East Halmahera Regency. Research on patterns of osmoregulation, salinity and salt content was carried out at the UNDIP MSDP Laboratory. Morphological characteristics and population density were carried out in the UNKHAIR Biology laboratory. The protein content of T. navalis was carried out at the BBTPPI laboratory in Semarang. The optimum media environment management for the domestication of T. navalis was carried out in the mangrove waters of Wailukum, East Halmahera using an experimental method. The results showed that the TKO value of T. navalis in natural habitats varied from 17 to greater than 500 mOsm/l H2O. Osmoregulation T. navalis is an osmoregulator with a hyperosmotic osmoregulation pattern when mangrove stems and roots are submerged in fresh water, a hypoosmotic pattern when mangrove stems and roots are submerged in high tides, and an isohyperosmotic to isoosmotic pattern when submerged in brackish water with an TKO of 17-19 mOsm/ l H2O. The highest salt content was in the root media of Avicennia sp (31‰) and the lowest was in the leaves of Rhizopora sp (10‰). The morphological characteristics of T. navalis were found, namely the body surface is clear and smooth, there is a clear yellowish shell on the head, brownish red gills, has 2 soft and clear textured tentacles, elastic body texture, solid and slippery. The body measures 15 cm, 30 cm and 60 cm. The population density of T. navalis is 0,65 ind/m2 to 1,85 ind/m2. The protein content of T. navalis was 13.30%. The optimum medium environment for the domestication of T. navalis and the osmoregulation pattern was 16‰. Growth pattern of T. navalis allometric b value 3. The highest condition factor value of T. navalis was in the stem habitat of Avicennia sp (W = 9.786 + 0.756x), Y value = -0.0046x2 + 1.115x + 3.8989 and R2 = 0 ,9751. The lowest condition factor (FK) value was found in the stem habitat of Rhizophora sp (W = 0.657 + 0.741x), Y value = -0.0309x2 + 2.8533x – 32.701, R2 = 0.9751 showed a significant effect of (sig<0, 05).
Keywords: Osmoregulation, Bioecology, T. navalis, Mangrove habitat, East Halmahera
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Osmoregulasi, Bioekologi, T. navalis, Habitat mangrove, Halmahera Timur |
Subjects: | Fisheries And Marine Sciences |
Divisions: | Postgraduate Program > Doctor Program in Environmental Science |
Depositing User: | ekana listianawati |
Date Deposited: | 30 Aug 2022 05:20 |
Last Modified: | 30 Aug 2022 05:20 |
URI: | |
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