PRASETYO, Syarif and Anggoro, Sutrisno and Soeprobowati, Tri Retnaningsih (2021) STRATEGI PENGELOLAAN DANAU RAWAPENING JAWA TENGAH SECARA TERPADU DAN BERKELANJUTAN DENGAN PENDEKATAN NEOPALEOLIMNOLOGI. Doctoral thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies.
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Kualitas lingkungan Danau Rawapening mengalami penurunan meliputi sedimentasi, pencemaran air dan kelebihan unsur hara terutama Fosfor (P) dan Nitrogen (N) ke dalam danau telah memicu blooming eceng gondok (Eichhronia crassipes (Mart.) Solms). Berbagai kegiatan telah dilakukan untuk mengurangi tutupan eceng gondok di Danau Rawapening yang cenderung meningkat dari waktu ke waktu, namun belum ada hasil yang signifikan. Penelitian neopaleolimnologi Danau Rawapening ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji laju pertumbuhan (RGR) dan kemampuan berganda (DT) eceng gondok serta struktur komunitas dan distribusi diatom sebagai dasar untuk pengelolaan yang sesuai. Pengamatan eceng gondok metode mesocosm di tiga lokasi yang berbeda, Stasiun I di kawasan keramba jaring apung (KJA), Desa Rowoboni, Stasiun II di kawasan alami Desa Bejalen yang jauh dari lokasi budidaya, dan Stasiun III di hulu Sungai Tuntang, Desa Asinan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2019 – Maret 2020 dengan pengukuran laju pertumbuhan, penambahan jumlah rumpun dan covering eceng gondok setiap minggu. Percobaan dilakukan di mesocosm berukuran 1 x 1 meter, dengan tiga kali ulangan. Pada setiap mesocosm ditumbuhkan eceng gondok dengan bobot awal yang sama yaitu 160 gram dan jumlah daun 6–7 helai. Coring sedimen untuk pengamatan diatom dilakukan di Stasiun III. Parameter fisika dan kimia air diukur secara langsung di lokasi penelitian. Nilai total nitrogen (TN) dan total phosphor diperoleh dari analisis laboratorium terhadap sampel air sebanyak 200 ml dengan tiga kali ulangan yang diambil setiap seminggu sekali selama empat minggu bersamaan pengamatan eceng gondok. Pengukuran osmolaritas dan tingkat kemampuan osmotik (TKO) biota Danau Rawapening dilakukan di laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kualitas air Danau Rawapening hasil pengukuran parameter suhu, DO, pH, dan konduktivitas masih memenuhi kriteria baik sesuai dengan baku mutu air (BMA) yang ditetapkan dalam PP No. 22 Tahun 2021. Status trofik air Danau Rawapening telah mencapai hipereutrofik dengan konsentrasi total N tertinggi sebesar 2.240 μg/l dan total P tertinggi sebesar 156 μg/l. Laju pertumbuhan relatif (RGR) eceng gondok berkisar antara 6,40-7,26%/hari dan perbanyakan (DT) eceng gondok berkisar antara 9,6-10,8 hari. Pertambahan berat basah berbanding lurus dengan jumlah rumpun yang lebih cepat menutupi area mesocosm, dan 1 m2 akan terisi eceng gondok dalam waktu 21 hari sampai 28 hari. Tingkat kerja osmotik (TKO) biota Danau Rawapening terendah adalah pada tumbuhan eceng gondok yaitu sebesar 3,3 mOsm/l H2O. Nilai TKO fauna Danau Rawapening yang diteliti berkisar antara 11,7 mOsm/l H2O hingga 314,5 mOsm/l H2O. Fauna yang hidup di Danau Rawapening memiliki pola osmoregulasi iso-hyperosmotic hingga hyperosmotic. Indeks keanekaragaman (H’) diatom (2,15-3,04). Di masa lampau kondisi Danau Rawapening lebih stabil jika dibandingkan pada masa sekarang. Indeks keseragaman atau kemerataan (E’) diatom berada pada kisaran 0,69-0,91 yang berarti ada jenis dominan sesuai dengan hasil pengukuran indeks dominansi (D) sebesar 0,06-0,14. Semakin tinggi tingkat ketergantungan masyarakat atas sumber daya alam Danau Rawapening semakin tinggi pula tingkat partisipasinya dalam upaya pengelolaan danau. Hasil analisis stakeholders menujukkan bahwa pemerintah memiliki pengaruh yang tinggi, sedangkan masyarakat pemanfaat sumber daya alam memiliki pengaruh yang rendah di dalam penentuan kebijakan pengelolaan Danau Rawapening. Pengelolan Danau Rawapening harus terpadu sebagai bentuk satu kesatuan ekosistem danau yang meliputi badan danau, sempadan danau dan sungai dan DTA danau. Pengelolaan juga harus dilakukan secara inklusif dengan memperhatikan kepentingan antar stakeholders, koordinatif serta sinergi. Pengelolaan Danau Rawapening tidak boleh hanya sebatas pada aktivitas pemanfaatan sumber daya alam tetapi harus menekankan aspek konservasi sehingga manfaatnya akan terus berkelanjutan.
Kata Kunci : Rawapening, Eceng gondok, Diatom, RGR, DT, Osmoregulasi, TKO
The environmental quality of Rawapening Lake has decreased including sedimentation, water pollution and excess nutrients, especially Phosphorus (P) and Nitrogen (N) into the lake which have triggered the blooming of water hyacinth (Eichhronia crassipes (Mart.) Solms). Various activities have been carried out to reduce water hyacinth cover in Rawapening Lake which tends to increase from time to time, but there has been no significant result. This neopaleolimnological study of Rawapening Lake was conducted to assess the growth rate (RGR) and multiplication ability (DT) of water hyacinth as well as community structure and distribution of diatoms as a basis for appropriate management. Observation of water hyacinth by mesocosm method in three different locations, Station I in the floating net cage area, Rowoboni Village, Station II in the natural area of Bejalen Village which is far from the cultivation location, and Station III in the upper reaches of the Tuntang River, Asinan Village. The study was conducted in May 2019 – March 2020 by measuring the growth rate, adding the number of clumps and covering water hyacinth every week. The experiment was carried out in a mesocosm measuring 1 × 1 meter, with three replications. In each mesocosm, water hyacinth was grown with the same initial weight of 160 grams and the number of leaves 6–7 strands. Sediment coring for diatom observations was carried out at Station III. Physical and chemical parameters of water were measured directly at the research site. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus values were obtained from laboratory analysis of 200 ml water samples with three replications taken once a week for four weeks simultaneously with water hyacinth observations. Measurement of osmolarity and level of osmotic ability of Rawapening Lake biota was carried out in the laboratory. The results showed that the water quality of Rawapening Lake as a result of measuring the parameters of temperature, DO, pH, and conductivity still met the good criteria in accordance with the water quality standard stipulated in Government Regulation no. 22 Year 2021. The trophic status of Rawapening Lake water has reached hypereutrophic with the highest total N concentration of 2,240 g/l and the highest total P of 156 g/l. Water hyacinth relative growth rate (RGR) ranged from 6.40-7.26%/day and the doubling time (DT) of water hyacinth ranged from 9.6-10.8 days. The increase in wet weight is directly proportional to the number of clumps that cover the mesocosm area faster, and 1 m2 will be filled with water hyacinth within 21 days to 28 days. The lowest osmotic work level of Rawapening Lake biota is in water hyacinth plants, which is 3.3 mOsm/l H2O. The lowest osmotic work level value of the fauna of Rawapening Lake studied ranged from 11.7 mOsm/l H2O to 314.5 mOsm/l H2O. Fauna that lives in Rawapening Lake has an iso-hyperosmotic to hyperosmotic osmoregulation pattern. The diversity index (H') of diatoms (2.15-3.04). The condition of Rawapening Lake was more stable than in the present. The index of uniformity or evenness (E') of diatoms is in the range of 0.69-0.91 which means that there is dominant species according to the results of the measurement of the dominance index (D) of 0.06-0.14. The higher the level of community dependence on the natural resources of Rawapening Lake, the higher the level of participation in lake management efforts. The results of the stakeholder analysis show that the government has a high influence, while the community utilizing natural resources has a low influence in determining the management policy of Rawapening Lake. Rawapening Lake management must be integrated as a form of a unified lake ecosystem which includes lake bodies, lake and river boundaries and lake catchment areas. Management must also be carried out inclusively by taking into account the interests of stakeholders, coordinating and synergizing. The management of Rawapening Lake should not only be limited to natural resource utilization activities but must emphasize the conservation aspect so that the benefits will continue to be sustainable.
Keywords : Rawapening Lake, Water hyacinth, Diatom, RGR, DT, Osmoregulation
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Rawapening, Eceng gondok, Diatom, RGR, DT, Osmoregulasi, TKO |
Subjects: | Fisheries And Marine Sciences |
Divisions: | Postgraduate Program > Doctor Program in Environmental Science |
Depositing User: | ekana listianawati |
Date Deposited: | 30 Aug 2022 05:07 |
Last Modified: | 30 Aug 2022 05:07 |
URI: | |
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