KISWANTO, Kiswanto and Susanto, Heru and Sudarno, Sudarno (2020) PEMANENAN AIR DARI KOLAM BEKAS INDUSTRI BATUBARA MENGGUNAKAN TEKNOLOGI MEMBRAN. Doctoral thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
Kolam bekas tambang industri batubara menjadi persoalan serius apabila tidak ditangani dengan baik. Air kolam bekas tambang batubara merupakan air asam yang berbahaya terhadap pencemaran lingkungan di sekitarnya. Pada konsentrasi tertentu apabila tidak diolah akan membahayakan bagi ekosistem air tawar, lingkungan hidup, dan derajad kesehatan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian pemanenan air dari kolam bekas tambang batubara diperlukan teknologi pengolahan air yang bersih dan ramah lingkungan.
Membran merupakan teknologi yang paling tepat dan efektif untuk mengolah air asam tambang batubara untuk kebutuhan air bersih bagi masyarakat sekitar. Pemanenan air kolam bekas tambang industri batubara menjadi air minum merupakan kebaruan (novelty) yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini.
Penelitian bersifat eksperimental dilakukan di laboratorium Teknik Lingkungan dan Laboartorium Mar-C di Laboratorium Terpadu Universitas Diponegoro. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah; menganalisis pengaruh variasi tekanan operasi pada membran nanofiltrasi NF 270 terhadap fluks dan tingkat rejeksi COD, TSS, TDS dan kandungan logam Fe dan Mn, membandingkan fluks dan tingkat rejeksi air asam tambang batubara, membandingkan tingkat rejeksi hasil pengolahan air di kolam tambang batubara dengan Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan
No. 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002, dan kajian teknologi membran untuk pemanfaatan air kolam bekas tambang (void) terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan.
Pengolahan air kolam bekas industri tambang batubara setelah dilakukan pengolahan dengan teknologi membran NF270 hasil tingkat rejeksi untuk wilayah Aceh Barat untuk umpan Air asam tambang asli mampu menyisihkan COD, TSS, TDS dan logam Fe, Mn berturut-turut sebesar 46–94 %, 100%, 58–77%, 99-100%, 100%. Sumatera Selatan untuk umpan air asam tambang asli mampu menyisihkan COD, TSS, TDS dan logam Fe, Mn
berturut-turut sebesar 71-93%, 100%, 56-69%, 99-100%, 100%. Kalimantan Selatan untuk umpan air asam tambang mampu menyisihkan COD, TSS, TDS dan logam Fe, Mn berturutturut
sebesar 66-100%, 100%, 41-56%, 82-100%, 94-100%.
Aceh Barat memiliki tingkat rejeksi paling tinggi prosentasenya dibandingkan wilayah Kalimantan Selatan dan Sumatera Selatan. Semua hasil dari rejeksi untuk air asam tambang
menghasilkan kualitas permeat yang memenuhi Baku Mutu Kepmenkes No. 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002 Tentang Standart Kualitas Air Minum dan Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 113 Tahun 2003 Tentang Air Limbah Industri Batubara. Pengolahan air asam tambang menggunakan membran nanofiltrasi NF270 pada kolam tambang batubara (Void) sebagai salah satu rona akhir berpotensi memberi kontribusi terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan dari aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan. Air kolam bekas tambang yang membentuk danau-danau buatan ini juga mempunyai potensi untuk dijadikan sumber air minum berbasis masyarakat yang dibutuhkan masyarakat sekitar tambang pada masa yang akan datang.
Kata kunci : air asam tambang, membrane NF270, baku mutu, pembangunan berkelanjutan
The former mining pool for the coal industry becomes a serious problem if it is not handled properly. Ex-coal mining pool water is acidic water which is harmful to the surrounding environment. In certain concentrations, if it is not processed, it will endanger the freshwater ecosystem, the environment, and the degree to which public health. Therefore, research on water harvesting from ex-coal mining ponds requires water treatment technology that is clean and environmentally friendly. Membranes are the most appropriate and effective technology for treating acid coal mine water for clean water needs for the surrounding community. The harvesting of former coal mining pool water into drinking water is novelty obtained from this research.
The experimental research was carried out in the Environmental Engineering Laboratory and the Mar-C Laboratory at the Diponegoro University Integrated Laboratory. The objectives of this research are; analyzing the effect of variations in operating pressure on the NF 270 nanofiltration membrane on the flux and rejection rates of COD, TSS, TDS and metal content of Fe and Mn, comparing the flux and rejection rate of acidic coal mine water, comparing the rejection rate of water treatment results in coal mining ponds with the Ministerial Decree Health No. 907 / MENKES / SK / VII / 2002, and study of membrane
technology for utilization of ex-mining (void) pool water for sustainable development.
Treatment of pond water from the former coal mining industry after processing with NF270 membrane technology results from the rejection rate for the West Aceh region for feed. The original acid mine drainage was able to remove COD, TSS, TDS and Fe, Mn metals respectively by 46-94%, 100% , 58–77%, 99-100%, 100%. South Sumatra for the original acid mine drainage was able to remove COD, TSS, TDS and Fe, Mn metals by 71-93%, 100%, 56-69%, 99-100%, 100% respectively. South Kalimantan for acid mine drainage was able to remove COD, TSS, TDS and Fe, Mn metals by 66-100%, 100%, 41-56%, 82-100%, 94-100%,
West Aceh has the highest rejection rate compared to South Kalimantan and South Sumatra. All results from rejection of acid mine drainage produce permeate quality that meets
the Minister of Health Decree No. Quality Standards. 907 / MENKES / SK / VII / 2002 concerning Drinking Water Quality Standards and Decree of the Minister of Environment No. 113 of 2003 concerning Coal Industry Wastewater. Acid mine water treatment using NF270 nanofiltration membranes in coal mining ponds (Void) as one of the final hues has the potential to contribute to sustainable development from economic, social and environmental aspects. The former mining pond water that forms artificial lakes also has the potential to be used as a community-based drinking water source that is needed by the community around the mine in the future.
Key words: acid mine drainage, membrane NF270, quality standards, sustainable development
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | air asam tambang, membrane NF270, baku mutu, pembangunan berkelanjutan |
Subjects: | Engineering > Chemical Engineering |
Divisions: | Postgraduate Program > Doctor Program in Environmental Science |
Depositing User: | Users 183 not found. |
Date Deposited: | 25 Apr 2022 03:08 |
Last Modified: | 25 Apr 2022 03:08 |
URI: | |
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