NURAIDA, Elisa and Sutiningsih, Dwi and Hadi, Mochammad (2020) AKTIVITAS DAN MEKANISME AKSI SEDIAAN FAST DISINTEGRATING TABLET DARI EKSTRAK KULIT BATANG MIMBA (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) SEBAGAI GASTROPROTEKTOR. Masters thesis, School of Postgraduate Studies.
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Latar belakang: Ekstrak kulit batang mimba memiliki senyawa yang berperan penting dalam pengobatan tukak lambung. Efek gastroprotektif ekstrak kulit batang mimba sudah diteliti namun belum ada penelitian ekstrak kulit batang mimba dalam sediaan fast disintegrating tablet sebagai gastroprotektor.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas dan mekanisme aksi Fast Disintegrating Tablet dari ekstrak kulit batang mimba sebagai gastroprotektor
Metode: jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan rancangan post-test only with control group design dengan kontrol tukak induksi ibuprofen 400 mg/kg bb, kontrol tanpa perlakuan, kontrol obat ranitidine dan 2 perlakuan, Semua kelompok perlakuan diberikan setiap hari dan dibedah pada hari ke-1, 3, dan 8. Pengamatan yang dilakukan yaitu menghitung parameter indeks tukak dan rasio proteksi, pengamatan secara histopatologi dengan pengecatan Hematoksilin dan Eosin (HE) dan imunohistokimia (IHC) untuk pengamatan ekspresi COX-2, serta pemeriksaan kadar asam lambung.
Hasil: Hasil uji one way anova menunjukkan signifikan antara kelompok Indeks tukak (p=0,000 ), kelompok pH cairan lambung (p=0,002), dan ekspresi COX-2 (0,026). Uji pos hoc tukey menunjukkan FDT EKBM lebih efektif menurunkan Indeks tukak lambung, kadar asam lambung, dan ekspresi COX-2 daripada ranitidin dan sediaan tablet biasa.
Simpulan: Ekstrak Kulit batang Mimba, sediaan FDT, dan tablet biasa dapat menurunkan indeks tukak, kadar asam lambung, dan mengekspresi COX-2. Namun, FDT EKBM memiliki efektifitas paling baik dengan rasio proteksi 90,08% dibandingkan ranitidine 48,51%, ekstrak kulit batang mimba (58,1%) dan sediaan tabletnya 85,13%, sehingga FDT potensial sebagai alternatif pengganti ranitidin.
Kata Kunci: Tukak lambung. ekstrak kulit batang mimba, Fast Disintegrating Tablet, gastroprotektor
Background: Mimba stem extract has a compound that plays a key role in ulcers treatment. The gastroprotective effects of mimba bark extract have been studied but there is no study of mimba bark extract in a deflective tablet as gastroprotection.
Objective: The research aims to identify the activities and soil-dissolving mechanisms of mimba bark extract as gastroprotection
Method: The type of research used was experimental with a post-test only with control group design with a ibuprofen induced control 400 mg/kg bb, non-treatable control, ranitidine and 2 treatment, FDT and tablet of mimba bark extract with a dose of 500 mg/kg bb given daily till surgery on day 1, 3, and 8. The observation that followed was to calculate the parameters of the occipital index and protection ratio, a histopathologist observation of hematocrit and eosine and immunohistochemistry for observation of Cox-2 expressions. As well as stomach acid check.
Results: The results of one way anova test showed there was significant between tukak index (0,000), pH of gastric secretion (p= 0.002), and expression cox-2 (0.026). The pos hoc tukey test showed FDT EKBM more effectively lowering ulcers indexes, gastric acid levels, and cox-2 expressions than ranitidin and ordinary tablet.
Conclusion: Mimba stem extract, willingness FDT, and common tablets can lower bone index, acidic levels, and expand cox-2. However, FDT ekbm has the best effectiveness with 90.08% protection ratio compared to ranitidine with 48.51%, mimba skin extract (58.1%) and its fuel fuel supply is 85.13%, making FDT's potential alternative to ranitidine
Keywords: Peptic Ulcer, Fast Disintegrating Tablet, Bark Mimba Extract, Gastroprotektor
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Tukak lambung. ekstrak kulit batang mimba, Fast Disintegrating Tablet, gastroprotektor |
Subjects: | Public Health |
Divisions: | Postgraduate Program > Master Program in Epidemiology |
Depositing User: | ekana listianawati |
Date Deposited: | 19 Apr 2022 03:49 |
Last Modified: | 19 Apr 2022 03:49 |
URI: | |
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