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KARISSA, ERIN (2023) IDENTIFIKASI GENOTIPE DNA SPONS INVASIF DI PANTAI SAMUH, NUSA DUA, BALI (23dik158). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan.

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(Erin Karissa. 26040119130084. Identifikasi Genotipe DNA Spons Invasif di Pantai Samuh, Nusa Dua, Bali. Dwi Haryanti dan Munasik). Spons merupakan hewan yang termasuk dalam filum porifera dan memegang peran penting dalam ekosistem. Spons umumnya hidup pada berbagai substrat seperti karang mati, pasir, dan bebatuan. Namun dikarenakan perubahan keseimbangan ekologi, spons dapat tumbuh menutupi karang hidup dan berpotensi menjadi spesies spons invasif. Identifikasi spesies spons dapat dilakukan dengan identifikasi morfologi dan identifikasi genotipe DNA. Analisis filogenik dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekerabatan antara organisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies spons invasif pada Pantai Samuh, Nusa Dua, Bali berdasarkan genotipe DNA. Sampel diambil pada 3 titik lokasi yang berbeda dan pada setiap lokasi diambil sampel spons pada kedalaman 10 m dengan ukuran 5 cm2. Kemudian sampel diawetkan menggunakan larutan alkohol 70% dan 96%. Analisis morfologi dilakukan dengan mengamati warna dan bentuk pertumbuhan spons serta analisis spikula. Analisis genotipe DNA dilakukan melalui tahap ekstraksi DNA, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), elektroforesis, dan analisis sekuensing. Analisis hasil sekuensing dilakukan menggunakan software Mega X yang dilanjutkan dengan BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) untuk mengetahui spesies sampel dengan memperhatikan nilai identity dan nilai query cover. Spesies yang telah diketahui kemudian disusun dan dibandingkan menggunakan pohon filogenik dan jarak genetik untuk melihat kekerabatan spesies. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sampel yang berhasil dianalisis menggunakan genotipe DNA sejumlah 2 sampel. Spesies spons yang ditemukan di Pantai Samuh, Nusa Dua, Bali adalah Mycale sp. dan Halichondria cruelae. Beberapa spesies spons dengan genus tersebut (Mycale sp. dan Halichondria sp.) dipertimbangkan sebagai spons invasif di beberapa negara.
Kata kunci: Genotipe, Karang, Pantai Samuh, Spons, Spons Invasif

(Erin Karissa. 26040119130084. DNA Genotype Identification of Invasive Sponge in Samuh Beach, Nusa Dua, Bali. Dwi Haryanti and Munasik). Sponges are animal that belong to the porifera phylum and play an important role in the ecosystem. Sponges can be found in different substrate such as dead coral, sands, and rocks. However, due to ecological imbalance sponges can live covering living corals and have potential to became sponge invasive. Sponges identification can be done accurately by morphology identification and DNA genotype identification. Phylogenic analysis is used to know the genetic relationship between organism. The goal of this study is to identify the species of invasive sponge at Samuh Beach, Nusa Dua, Bali based on the DNA genotype. Samples were collected at 3 different location point and at each sampling location, samples of sponge were taken at 10 m depth with a size of 5 cm2 and preserved with
alcohol 70% and 96%. Furthermore, morphology identification was done by color and growth type observation also analysis of spicules. DNA genotype analysis was done by a few steps DNA extraction, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), electrophoresis, and sequences analysis. The sequences result was analyzed using Mega X software and continued by BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) to identify the species by their identity and query cover value. The known species are then arranged and compared using the phylogenic tree and genetic distance to see the genetic relationship. Based on the study, samples that were successfully analyzed using DNA genotype are 2 samples. Sponge found in Samuh Beach, Nusa Dua, Bali are Mycale sp. and Halichondria cruelae. Several species of sponges in this genus (Mycale sp. and Halichondria sp.) are considered invasive sponges in several countries.
Keywords: Coral, Genotype, Invasive Sponge, Samuh Beach, Sponge

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Genotipe, Karang, Pantai Samuh, Spons, Spons Invasif Coral, Genotype, Invasive Sponge, Samuh Beach, Sponge
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Marine Science
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 08 May 2024 05:02
Last Modified: 08 May 2024 05:02

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