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NURBAITI, PUJI RAHMA (2023) KARAKTERISTIK PERISA SERBUK DARI AIR REBUSAN UDANG REBON (Mysis relicta) DENGAN PENAMBAHAN TEPUNG RUMPUT LAUT (Eucheuma spinosum) (23 dt146). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan.

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(Puji Rahma Nurbaiti. 26060119140077. Karakteristik Perisa Serbuk dari Air Rebusan Udang Rebon (Mysis relicta) dengan Penambahan Tepung Rumput Laut (Eucheuma spinosum). Tri Winarni Agustini dan Ima Wijayanti).

Air rebusan udang rebon merupakan bahan yang dijadikan sebagai bahan utama pembuatan serbuk perisa alami makanan. Penambahan tepung rumput laut (Eucheuma spinosum) dapat memperbaiki karakteristik dari perisa serbuk udang rebon sebagai bahan pengisi dan bahan penyalut. Air rebusan udang rebon yang
dijadikan perisa serbuk tanpa ada bahan pengisi akan sulit terbentuk, memiliki rendemen yang kecil dan serbuk yang terbentuk tidak baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung rumput laut (E. spinosum)
terhadap nilai kadar protein dan nilai asam amino glutamat pada perisa serbuk udang rebon serta mengetahui perlakuan terbaik dari penggunaan konsentrasi tepung rumput laut (E. spinosum) yang berbeda dalam pembuatan perisa serbuk udang rebon. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode experimental laboratories. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan penambahan konsentrasi tepung rumput laut (Eucheuma spinosum) 2%, 4%, dan 6% dengan ulangan percobaan sebanyak 3 kali. Data yang diperoleh diuji dengan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji ANOVA dan uji lanjut BNJ untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan antar perlakuan. Hasil analisa data kadar air, protein, asam glutamat, kelarutan, warna, dan viskositas menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan konsentrasi tepung rumput laut (Eucheuma spinosum) yang berbeda mempunyai pengaruh berbeda nyata (P<5%) terhadap perisa serbuk udang rebon. Perisa serbuk udang rebon dengan penambahan konsentrasi tepung rumput laut (Eucheuma spinosum) sebesar 6% memiliki karakteristik yang lebih baik dengan nilai rendemen 17.43%, kadar air 3.57%, kadar protein 13.90%, asam amino glutamat 7.97%, kelarutan 91.49%, warna L* (Lightness) 68.47, a* (Redness) 0.15, b* (yellowness) 16.06, viskositas 16.90 cp. Nilai sensori perisa serbuk air rebusan udang rebon dengan penambahan tepung rumput laut E. spinosum 6% adalah 7,59 yang menunjukkan perisa bubuk yang berwarna cerah, rasa umami yang khas udang rebon dan tekstur yang halus.
Kata kunci: Air rebusan, Eucheuma spinosum, Konsentrasi, Perisa serbuk, Tepung, Rumput Laut, Udang rebon

(Puji Rahma Nurbaiti. 26060119140077. Powder Flavor Characteristics from Rebon Shrimp (Mysis relicta) Boiled Water with the Addition of Seaweed Flour (Eucheuma spinosum). Tri Winarni Agustini and Ima Wijayanti).

Rebon shrimp boiled water used as the main ingredient that is an important material for making natural food flavoring powder. The addition of seaweed powder Eucheuma spinosum can improved the characteristics of the flavor of rebon shrimp powder as a filler and coating material. Rebon shrimp boiled water which is used as a powder flavor without any fillers will be difficult to form, has a small yield and the powder formed is not good. The purposed of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of seaweed powder E. spinosum on the value of protein content and glutamate amino acid value in rebon shrimp powder flavor and
to determine the characteristics of using different concentrations of seaweed powder (E. spinosum) in the manufacture of shrimp powder flavor rebon. The research method used an experimental laboratories method with the addition of 2%, 4% and 6% concentrations of seaweed flour E. spinosum. The data obtained
were tested by normality test, homogeneity test, ANOVA test and in order to differentiate among the treatments. Data analysis results showed that the used of different concentrations of seaweed powder E. spinosum had a significantly different effect (P<5%) on the flavor of the rebon shrimp powder. Characteristics
of the 6% flavor of rebon shrimp powder had a better valued with a yield value of 17.43%, water content 3.57%, protein content 13.90 %, glutamate amino acid 7.97 %, solubility 91.49%, color L* (Lightness) 68.47, a* (Redness) 0.15, b* (yellowness) 16.06, viscosity 16.90 cp. The sensory valued of the powdered water flavor of rebon boiled water with the addition of 6% E. spinosum seaweed powder was 7,59 indicating a brightly colored powder flavour, a distinctive umami taste ofrebon shrimp and a smoot texture.
Keywords: Boiled water, Concentration, Eucheuma spinosum, Flavoring powder, Flour, Seaweed, Rebon shrimp.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Air rebusan, Eucheuma spinosum, Konsentrasi, Perisa serbuk, Tepung, Rumput Laut, Udang rebon. Boiled water, Concentration, Eucheuma spinosum, Flavoring powder,Flour, Seaweed, Rebon shrimp.
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Fishery Products Technology
Depositing User: Users 171 not found.
Date Deposited: 09 Jan 2024 08:03
Last Modified: 09 Jan 2024 08:03

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