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FATINA, ALYA ELOK (2023) EFEK AERASI TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS INDIVIDU JANTAN DAN EPHIPPIA Moina micrura (23da18). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan.

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Alya Elok Fatina. 26020118140043. Efek Aerasi terhadap ProduktivitasIndividu Jantan dan Ephippia Moina micrura. (Vivi Endar Herawati dan Diana Chilmawati)
Moina sp. merupakan salah satu kelompok udang renik yang termasuk
dalam kelas Crustacea dan sub ordo Cladocera. Moina sp. memiliki kandungan
nutrisi berupa protein 76,26%, lemak 11,39%, karbohidrat 5,29% dan kadar abu
7,06 %. Pemanfaatan Moina sebagai pakan alami belum maksimal karena masih
terkendala kualitas serta pengelolaan dalam media budidaya sehingga
mempengaruhi produktivitasnya. Ephippia merupakan produk hasil reproduksi
seksual Moina yang dapat diproduksi secara massal untuk memenuhi ketersediaan
dan kontinuitas Moina. Peralihan reproduksi Moina dapat melalui beberapa faktor
induksi salah satunya kualitas air yaitu oksigen terlarut. Penelitian bertujuan untuk
mengkaji efek aerasi terhadap produktivitas individu jantan dan ephippia Moina
micrura. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dan rancangan acak
lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 2 perlakuan dan 6 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang
diterapkan masing-masing yaitu kultur Moina menggunakan aerasi dan kultur
Moina tanpa menggunakan aerasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola
pertumbuhan Moina micrura pada kedua perlakuan tidak terdapat fase adaptasi,
fase eksponensial terjadi pada hari ke-1 hingga mencapai puncaknya pada hari ke8,
dan memasuki fase kematian pada hari ke-9 hingga hari ke-14. Produktivitas
individu jantan pada perlakuan aerasi menghasilkan produksi tertinggi pada hari ke7
sebesar 5,2 %, sedangkan perlakuan tanpa aerasi menghasilkan individu jantan
tertinggi pada hari ke-13 sebesar 9,8%. Produktivitas ephippia Moina micrura pada
perlakuan aerasi dan tanpa aerasi masing-masing yaitu 7±0,6 butir/20 ml sampel
dan 10±0,9 butir/20 ml sampel. Kisaran kualitas air pada parameter suhu dan pH
selama kultur 14 hari masih dalam batas kelayakan untuk dijadikan media kultur
Moina micrura, nilai oksigen terlarut masih berada pada kondisi layak pada
perlakuan aerasi yaitu berkisar 4,02-6,35 mg/L, sedangkan pada perlakuan tanpa
aerasi yaitu 0,3-1,6 mg/L. Kandungan ammonia media kultur pada perlakuan tanpa
aerasi masih dalam batas kelayakan dibandingkan dengan perlakuan aerasi.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa efek aerasi berpengaruh
nyata (Sig<0,05) terhadap produktivitas individu jantan dan produktivitas ephippia
Moina micrura.
Kata kunci: aerasi, Moina micrura, individu jantan, produksi ephippia

Alya Elok Fatina. 26020118140043. The Effect of Aeration on Productivity of Male Individuals and Ephippia Moina micrura. (Vivi Endar Herawati and Diana Chilmawati)
Moina sp. is a group of tiny shrimps belonging to the class Crustacea and
the sub-order Cladocera. Moina has a nutritional content of 76.26% protein,
11.39% fat, 5.29% carbohydrates, and 7.06% as content. Utilization of Moina as
natural food is not maximized because it is still constrained by quality and
management in cultivation media which affects its productivity. Ephippia is a
product of Moina's sexual reproduction which can be mass-produced to meet
Moina's availability and continuity. The transition of Moina reproduction can be
through several induction factors, one of which is water quality, namely dissolved
oxygen. The research objective was to examine the effect of aeration on the
productivity of male individuals and ephippia Moina micrura. This study used an
experimental method and a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 2
treatments and 6 replications. The treatments applied respectively were Moina
culture using aeration and Moina culture without using aeration. The results
showed that the growth pattern of Moina micrura in both treatments did not have
an adaptation phase, the exponential phase occurred on the 1st day until it reached
its peak on the 8th day, and entered the death phase on the 9th to 14th day. The
productivity of male individuals in the aeration treatment resulted in the highest
production on the 7th day of 5.2%, while the treatment without aeration produced
the highest male individuals on the 13th day of 9.8%. The productivity of ephippia
Moina micrura in the aerated and non-aerated treatments were respectively 7 ± 0.6
grains/20 ml sample and 10 ± 0.9 grains / 20 ml sample. The range of water quality
in temperature and pH parameters for 14 days of culture is still within the feasibility
limits to be used as Moina micrura culture media, the dissolved oxygen value is still
in a feasible condition in the aeration treatment, which ranges from 4.02-6.35 mg/L,
whereas in the without aeration, namely 0.3-1.6 mg/L. The ammonia content of the
culture media in the non-aerated treatment was still within the appropriate limits
compared to the aerated treatment. Based on the results of the study it can be
concluded that the effect of aeration had a significant effect (Sig<0.05) on male
individual productivity and ephippia Moina micrura productivity.
Keywords: aeration, Moina micrura, male individuals, ephippia production

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: aerasi, Moina micrura, individu jantan, produksi ephippia aeration, male individuals, ephippia production
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Aquaculture
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 04 Jan 2024 03:15
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2024 04:41

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