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AGUSTIN, OLIVIA (2022) BIOKONSENTRASI LOGAM BERAT TIMBAL (Pb) PADA BAKAU HITAM (Rhizophora mucronata) DI MUARA SUNGAI JUWANA, JAWA TENGAH (22m338). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan.

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Olivia Agustin. 26010118140088. Biokonsentrasi Logam Berat Timbal (Pb)
pada Bakau Hitam (Rhizophora mucronata) di Muara Sungai Juwana, Jawa
Tengah (Agus Hartoko dan Haeruddin)
Muara Sungai Juwana terletak di Kecamatan Juwana, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa
Tengah. Muara Sungai Juwana menerima berbagai limbah antropogenik seperti
limbah domestik, limbah industri, kegiatan perikanan dan pelabuhan perikanan
yang mencemari sungai dengan limbah logam berat timbal (Pb). Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi logam berat Pb pada air, sedimen dan
R. mucronata serta mengetahui Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) dalam jaringan
tubuh R. mucronata berupa akar, batang dan daun. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada
bulan Januari 2022. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode
survei dengan analisis kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara
purposive sampling dengan mempertimbangkan keberadaan R. mucronata dan
tercemar oleh logam berat Pb. Sampel diambil dari 7 stasiun dengan pengukuran
lapangan seperti suhu, pH, DO dan salinitas. Pengukuran konsentrasi logam berat
menggunakan AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) 210 VGP. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi logam berat Pb pada air berkisar
antara 0,061 – 0,221 mg/l, sedangkan pada sedimen berkisar antara 4,068 – 8,309
mg/kg. Konsentrasi logam berat Pb pada akar berkisar 7,17 – 10,79 mg/kg, batang
berkisar 17,66 – 35,30 mg/kg dan daun berkisar 10,87 – 20,56 mg/kg. BCF dari
rasio antara mangrove dengan sedimen yakni berkisar 0,86 – 2,00 pada akar,
batang berkisar 2,89 – 5,86 dan daun berkisar 1,35 – 3,49. Berdasarkan hasil BCF
didapatkan bahwa konsentrasi logam Pb R. mucronata lebih besar dibandingkan
Pb di sedimen.
Kata Kunci: Biokonsentrasi, Juwana, Mangrove, R. mucronata, Timbal

Olivia Agustin. 26010118140088. Bioconcentration Analysis of Heavy Metal
Lead (Pb) in Black Mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata) at Juwana River Estuary,
Central Java (Agus Hartoko and Haeruddin)
Juwana River estuary is located in Juwana District, Pati Regency, Central
Java. The Juwana River estuary receives various anthropogenic wastes such as
domestic waste, industrial waste, fishing activities and fishing ports that pollute
the river with lead (Pb) heavy metal waste. This study aims to determine the
concentration of heavy metal Pb in the water, sediment and R. mucronata and to
determine the bioconcentration factor in the body tissue of R. mucronata in the
form of roots, stems and leaves. The research was conducted in January 2022.
The method used in this research is a survey method with quantitative analysis.
The sampling technique was purposive sampling by considering the presence of
R. mucronata and contaminated by heavy metal Pb. Samples was carry out from 7
stations with field measurements such as temperature, pH, DO and salinity.
Heavy metal concentrations were measured using AAS (Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer) 210 VGP. The results showed that the concentration of heavy
metal Pb in the water ranged from 0,061 – 0,221 mg/l, while in sediments it
ranged from 4,068 – 8,309 mg/kg. Heavy metal concentrations of Pb in roots
ranged from 7,17 - 10,79 mg/kg, stems 17,66 – 35,30 mg/kg and leaves 10,87 -
20,56 mg/kg. The BCF of the ratio between mangroves and sediments ranges from
0,86 – 2,00 at the roots, stems 2,89 – 5,86 and leaves 1,35 – 3,49. Based on the
results of BCF obtained that the concentration of Pb R. mucronata is greater than
Pb in the sediment.
Keywords: Bioconcentration, Juwana, Lead, Mangrove, R. mucronata

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Biokonsentrasi, Juwana, Mangrove, R. mucronata, Timbal, Bioconcentration, Juwana, Lead, Mangrove, R. mucronata
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Aquatic Resources
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2023 06:15
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2023 06:15

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