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Wiratma, Pandu Maulana Cucu (2023) CREATING A BILINGUAL HANDBOOK FOR FRONT OFFICE TRAINEE. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Diponegoro.

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The hotel industry, identical to hospitality, is a commercially managed industry that
provides lodging and accommodation services such as food and beverages. The
hotel sector is inextricably linked to international tourists. As a result, every
employee is expected to be fluent in English. The hotel industry's staff force
consists not just of permanent staff but also of trainees and day workers. The trainee
staff, the majority of whom lack appropriate experience or English skills, frequently
encounter difficulties in their employment. The trainees are frequently not provided
detailed instructions and handbooks by their supervisors, particularly in their work
practices. With their limited experience, trainee staff need both theoretical and
practical guidance. This study aims to explain the importance of a handbook to
assist trainees in their internship and to describe the process of creating this
handbook for trainees. This handbook was created using the Research and
Development method. The research steps used consist of 10 steps, such as potentials
and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision,
product trials, product revisions, usage trials, product revisions, and mass
production. The author only uses 8 out of 10 steps because this book is not made
for a mass distribution and the trial use will take place just once, during the product
trial. In its manufacture, data collection is done by observing and interviewing. The
final result of this research is bilingual handbook for Front Office Trainee.
Keywords: Trainee, Internship, Bilingual Handbook, Hotel Industry, Hospitality

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Trainee, Internship, Bilingual Handbook, Hotel Industry, Hospitality
Subjects: Humanities
Divisions: School of Vocation > Diploma in English
Depositing User: Oktavia Perpus Vokasi
Date Deposited: 25 Sep 2023 08:55
Last Modified: 25 Sep 2023 08:55

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