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Analysis of Factors Affecting Rice Farm Income

Agfrianti, Sholikhatun Isna and Budiraharjo, Kustopo and Handayani, Migie (2023) Analysis of Factors Affecting Rice Farm Income. Jurnal Litbang Media Informasi Penelitian, Pengembangan dan IPTEK Kabupaten Pati, 19 (1): 13. pp. 17-30. ISSN 2655-6618

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Cepu District of Blora Regency is a productive area of rice. The purpose of the study was to analyze rice farming income
and factors affecting it including the land area, rice production, selling price of grain, fertilizer price, seed price, and
labor usage in Cepu District. The research locations were chosen purposively, namely Kentong Village, and Cabean Vil�lage. The sample used simple random technique consisting of 140 farmers. Data collection was conducted through obser�vation and interviews. The data were analyzed in a descriptive quantitative approach. The results showed that the aver�age production cost of rice was IDR10,816,274.52/MT, the average revenue was IDR21,446,678.57/MT and the average
income was IDR10,678,618.34/MT with an average profitability of 98.73%. This yield is higher rate compared to Bank’s
deposit interest with a 3-month tenor, 2.3%. All factors had affected income simultaneously. The land area, amount of
production, selling price of grain, fertilizer costs, and seed costs had a partial effect on income. The usage of labor had no
partial effect on income. Rice farming in Cepu District can be improved continuosly through increasing the amount of
rice production and selling prices as well as the efficient use of fertilizers and seeds.
Keywords: income, production cost, rice farming

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Keywords: income, production cost, rice farming
Subjects: Animal and Agricultural Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Sciences > Department of Agribusiness
Depositing User: User Agribisnis
Date Deposited: 05 Jan 2024 02:55
Last Modified: 05 Jan 2024 02:55

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