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Gerbi Yuliana Martanti, 26020118140105. Pengaruh Taurin dalam Pakan Buatan
Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kelulushidupan Benih Ikan Kakap Putih (Lates
calcarifer) (Diana Rachmawati dan Diana Chilmawati).
Kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) merupakan ikan yang memiliki nilai
ekonomis tinggi karena sudah memasuki pasar ekspor yang luas. Ikan kakap putih
memiliki pertumbuhan cepat dan memiliki toleransi tinggi terhadap kadar garam
(euryhaline). Budidaya ikan kakap putih masih memiliki kendala berupa tingkat
efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan yang belum maksimal. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan
cara penambahan taurin yang dapat berperan dalam sistesis protein sehingga dapat
meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh
dan dosis optimum pada penambahan taurin pada pakan buatan terhadap efisiensi
pemanfaatan pakan dan pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan ikan kakap putih.
Penelitian dilaksanakan di Balai Layanan Usaha Produksi Perikanan Budidaya
(BLUPPB), Karawang pada bulan Juni - Agustus 2022. Ikan uji yang digunakan
adalah ikan kakap putih dengan bobot rerata 2,5±0,6 g dan panjang rata-rata 5±0,45
cm. Wadah penelitian berupa hapa dengan ukuran 0,5 x 0,5 x 1 m. Metode
penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5
perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan merupakan modifikasi pada
penelitian Ma et al., (2021), perlakuan yang digunakan adalah A (0 g/kg), B (3,5
g/kg), C (7 g/kg), D (10,5 g/kg), dan E (14 g/kg pakan). Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa penambahan taurin berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap
TKP, EPP, PER, FCR, SGR dan pertumbuhan bobot mutlak, tetapi tidak
berpengaruh nyata terhadap kelulushidupan ikan kakap putih. Dosis optimum dari
penambahan taurin terhadap pakan buatan adalah berkisar 10,49 – 13,28 g/kg pakan
mampu menghasilkan TKP 754,59g, EPP 82,20%, PER 1,53%, FCR 1,22, SGR
4,77%/hari, pertumbuhan bobot mutlak 625,15g dan nilai kelulushidupan 96,74%.
Kata – kata kunci: Lates calcarifer, taurin, pertumbuhan, pemanfaatan pakan,
Gerbi Yuliana Martanti, 26020118140105. The Effect of Taurin in Artificial Feed
on Growth and Survival rate of white Snapper Fish (Lates calcarifer). (Diana
Rachmawati and Diana Chilmawati).
White snapper fish (Lates calcarifer) is a fish that has high economic value
because it has entered a large export market. White snapper fish have growth fast
and have high tolerance in salinity (euryhaline). There are problems in white
snapper fish cultivation, especially at the level of feed utilization that has not been
maximized. This can be overcome by the addition of taurien which can help increase
fish growth. This study was conducted to determine the effect and find the optimum
dose of taurien addition in artificial feeds on the efficiency of feed utilization,
growth and survival rate of white snapper fish. This research has been carried out
at the Balai Layanan Usaha Produksi Perikanan Budidaya (BLUPPB), Karawang,
West Java in June – August 2022. This research uses white snapper fish with an
average weight of 2.5±0.6g and an average length of 5±0.45cm. The study in the
form of hapa with size 0.5 x 0.5 x 1 m. The research design method used was a
completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments and three replications.
Treatment used is modification in the research of Ma et al., (2021), the treatment
used are A (0 g/kg feed), B (3.5 g/kg feed), C (7 g/kg feed), D (10.5 g/kg feed), and
E (14 g/kg feed). The results showed that the addition of taurien had a significant
effect (P<0.05) on Feed Consumption Rate (TKP), Feed Utilization Efficiency
(EPP), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Specific
Growth Rate (SGR) and growth weight absolute but had no significant effect on
survival rate white snapper fish. Based on these results, it was found that the
optimum dose of taurien addition was in the range 10.49 – 13.28 g/kg feed by weight
of feed which was able to produce TKP 754.589g, EPP 82.206%, PER 1,53%, FCR
1.22, SGR 4.77%/day, and growth weight absolute 625,15g and the value of
survival rate 96.74%.
Keywords: Lates calcarifer, taurien, growth, feed utilization, survival rate
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Lates calcarifer, taurin, pertumbuhan, pemanfaatan pakan, kelulushidupan, taurien, growth, feed utilization, survival rate |
Subjects: | Fisheries And Marine Sciences |
Divisions: | Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Aquaculture |
Depositing User: | pancasila wati |
Date Deposited: | 25 Jan 2023 02:06 |
Last Modified: | 23 May 2023 06:54 |
URI: | |
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