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Fie’ulya Yusro Ramadlanie. 26050118120041. Penentuan Daerah Upwelling
Berdasarkan Indikator Suhu Permukaan Laut Dan Klorofil-A di Perairan Selat
Sunda . Dr. Elis Indrayanti, S.T, M.Si. , Ir. Gentur Handoyo, M.Si.
Upwelling didefinisikan sebagai peristiwa naiknya massa air dari lapisan
bawah ke permukaan perairan yang dapat disebabkan oleh angin permukaan dan
proses divergensi Ekman. Di Selat Sunda yang merupakan jalur pertemuan massa
air Laut Jawa dan Samudera Hindia memiliki tingkat kesuburan tinggi serta
merupakan perairan yang dinamis dikarenakan adanya perbedaan topografi.
Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai penentuan daerah upwelling di Selat Sunda
dikarenakan dikarenakan memiliki tingkat kesuburan yang tinggi, daerah upwelling
ditentukan berdasarkan indicator suhu permukaan laut (SPL) dan klorofil-a serta
didukung dengan arah dan kecepatan angina permukaan. Data yang digunakan
mulai tahun 2010 – 2019 yaitu berupa data SPL diperoleh dari Aqua Modis level 3
dengan resolusi 4 x 4 km, data klorofil-a dari Ocean Colour Climate Change
Initiative (OC-CCI) resolusi 4 x 4 km serta data angin dari ASCAT dengan resolusi
12,5 x 12,5 km. Data tersebut diolah menggunakan software Interactive Data
Language IDL yang menghasilkan peta sebaran klorofil-a, SPL, arah dan kecepatan
angin, serta peta upwelling. Puncak upwelling terjadi pada bulan September dengan
intensitas paling kuat berada di perairan Selatan Jawa yang memiliki nilai klorofila ≥ 1 mg/m3
dan SPL ≤ 27 ᵒC dengan adanya Arus Khatulistiwa Selatan (AKS)
pada musim timur yang dipengaruhi oleh kencangnya angin muson tenggara
menyebabkan massa air yang subur terdistribusi secara merata ke arah barat masuk
ke Selat Sunda dan sampai ke Barat Sumatera. Di perairan Selat Sunda memiliki
intensitas upwelling medium dengan intensitas lebih rendah dibandingkan perairan
sekitarnya (Selatan Jawa dan Barat Sumatera) dengan nilai klorofil-a 0,77 mg/m3
dan SPL 28,5 ᵒC dikarenakan tidak ada pulau yang menghalangi terbentuknya
upwelling. Namun, pada Selat Sunda bagian utara memiliki konsentrasi klorofil-a
relatif stabil dan konstan pada semua musim yaitu berkisar 0,3 – 0,5 mg/m3
dikarenakan pengaruh dominan dari pesisir Laut Jawa yang kaya akan nutrient
akibat limpahan dari daratan yang terbawa oleh aliran sungai.
Kata kunci : Klorofil-a ; Selat Sunda ; SPL ; Upwelling


Fie’ulya Yusro Ramadlanie. 26050118120041. Determination of Upwelling
Areas Based on Chlorophyll-a and Sea Surface Temperature Indicators in Sunda
Strait. Dr. Elis Indrayanti, S.T, M.Si. , Ir. Gentur Handoyo, M.Si.
Upwelling is defined as an event of rising water mass from the bottom layer
to the surface of the water which can be caused by surface winds and the Ekman
divergence process. The Sunda Strait, which is the confluence of the Java Sea and
Indian Ocean water masses, has a high fertility rate and is dynamic waters due to
topographic differences. This study examines the determination of the upwelling
area in the Sunda Strait because it has a high fertility rate, the upwelling area is
determined based on indicators of sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophylla and is supported by the direction and speed of surface winds. The data used from
2010 - 2019 in the form of SST data obtained from Aqua Modis level 3 with a
resolution of 4 x 4 km, chlorophyll-a data from the Ocean Color Climate Change
Initiative (OC-CCI) with a resolution of 4 x 4 km and wind data from ASCAT. with
a resolution of 12.5 x 12.5 km. The data was processed using the Interactive Data
Language IDL software which produced a map of the distribution of chlorophylla, SST, wind direction and speed, and upwelling map. The peak of upwelling
occurred in September with the strongest intensity being in the waters of Southern
Java which had a chlorophyll-a value of 1 mg/m3 and SST 27 C with the presence
of the South Equatorial Current (SEC) in the east monsoon which was influenced
by the strong southeast monsoon winds causing The fertile water mass is evenly
distributed to the west into the Sunda Strait and to the west of Sumatra. The Sunda
Strait waters have the medium upwelling intensity with lowest intescity compared
to the surrounding waters (South of Java and West Sumatra) with a chlorophyll -a
value of 0.77 mg/m3 and an SST of 28.5 C because there are no islands preventing
the formation of upwelling. However, in the northern part of the Sunda Strait, the
concentration of chlorophyll-a is relatively stable and constant in all seasons,
ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 mg/m3 due to the dominant influence of the Java Sea coast
which is rich in nutrients due to overflow from land carried by currents. river.
Keywords: Chlorophyll-a ; Sunda Strait ; Temperature ; Upwelling

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Klorofil-a ; Selat Sunda ; SPL ; Upwelling, Chlorophyll-a ; Sunda Strait ; Temperature ; Upwelling
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Oceanography
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2023 03:44
Last Modified: 26 May 2023 02:03

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