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Bagus Muhammad Fitra. 26060118140059. Pengaruh Penambahan Gelatin Kulit
Ikan Bandeng (Chanos chanos) terhadap Karakteristik Mie Basah Pakcoy. (Eko
Susanto dan Slamet Suharto).
Mie sudah menjadi makanan pokok pengganti nasi yang digemari masyarakat
saat ini. Ada beberapa jenis mie, salah satunya adalah mie basah. Namun, mie basah
yang beredar saat ini memiliki kekurangan pada teksturnya yang mudah putus dan
kenampakannya yang kurang menarik sehingga berpengaruh terhadap kesukaan
terhadap masyarakat. Gelatin sebagai hidrokoloid dapat digunakan sebagai inovasi
untuk memperbaiki tekstur dari produk mie basah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan gelatin dengan jenis pelarut yang berbeda.
Kemudian menentukan konsentrasi gelatin terbaik sehingga diperoleh karakteristik
mie basah yang terbaik. Penelitian pendahuluan dilakukan dengan membuat gelatin
dari tiga pelarut yang berbeda (HCl, NaOH dan Enzim Papain) kemudian
ditentukan yang terbaik dengan cara uji tensile strength dan hedonik. Hasil terbaik
di dapatkan gelatin dengan pelarut Enzim Papain, kemudian dibuat sepuluh
konsentrasi yang berbeda (0,25%; 0,5%; 0,75%; 1%; 1,25%; 1,5%; 1,75; 2%;
2,25% dan 2,5%) dan dipilih lima konsentrasi terbaik untuk ditambahkan dalam
mie basah (0,5%; 1%; 1,5%; 2% dan 2,5%). Analisa data parametrik menggunakan
uji ANOVA dan uji Beda Nyata Jujur, untuk non parametrik menggunakan uji
Kruskal Wallis. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan bahwa semua parameter uji
memiliki pengaruh yang berbeda nyata (p<0,05). Perlakuan terbaik penambahan
gelatin kulit ikan bandeng terhadap karakteristik mie basah yaitu pada konsentrasi
2,5% dengan hasil nilai tensile strength sebesar 0,18 MPa. Nilai cooking loss 3,67
dan water absorption 30,03. Hasil uji SEM menunjukkan struktur matriks yang
rapat, rongga yang seragam dan kompak. Nilai kadar air 59,49%, kadar protein
8,92%, kadar abu 0,4%, kadar lemak 1,06%, kadar karbohidrat 30,13%. Total
pigmen dengan nilai klorofil a yaitu 3 mg/g, klorofil b 2,46 mg/g dan karotenoid
1,32 mg/g. Terdapat asam amino esensial seperti arginin, histidine, isoleusin,
leusin, fenilalanin, valin, treolin dan lisin. Kadar antioksidan dengan nilai 47,26%.
Uji warna didapatkan hasil parameter L* berturut-turut 70,51, a* -5,37, dan b*
11,56. Tingkat kesukaan dengan selang kepercayaan 7,86<µ<8,38.
Kata Kunci: Gelatin, Ikan Bandeng, Kulit Ikan, Mie Basah, Tensile Strength

Bagus Muhammad Fitra. 26060118140059. Effect of Addition of Milkfish Skin
Gelatin (Chanos chanos) on the Characteristics of Pakcoy Wet Noodles. (Eko
Susanto dan Slamet Suharto).
Noodles have become a staple food substitute for rice that is popular in
society today. There are several types of noodles, one of which is wet noodles.
However, wet noodles that are currently circulating have shortcomings of their
texture that breaks easily and their unattractive appearance that affects people's
preferences. Gelatin as a hydrocolloid can be used as an innovation to improve the
texture of wet noodle products. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect
of adding gelatin with different types of solvents. Then determine the best
concentration of gelatin in order to obtain the best characteristics of wet
noodlesPreliminary research was carried out by making gelatin from three
different solvents (HCl, NaOH and Papain Enzyme) and then the best was
determined by means of tensile strength and hedonic tests. The best results were
obtained from gelatin with papain enzyme solvent, then ten different concentrations
were made (0,25%; 0,5%; 0,75%; 1%; 1,25%; 1,5%; 1,75%; 2%; 2,25% and 2,5%)
and the five best concentrations were selected to be added to wet noodles (0,5%;
1%; 1,5%; 2% and 2,5%). The parametric data analysis used the ANOVA test and
the Honest Significant Difference test, for non-parametrics, it used the Kruskal
Wallis test. The results of data analysis showed that all test parameters had
significantly different effects (p<0.05). The best treatment for the addition of
milkfish skin gelatin to the characteristics of wet noodles was at a concentration of
2.5% with a tensile strength value of 0.18 MPa. The value of cooking loss was 3.67
and water absorption was 30.03. SEM test results showed a dense matrix structure,
uniform and compact cavities. Value of water content was 59.49%, protein content
was 8.92%, ash content was 0.4%, fat content was 1.06%, carbohydrate content
was 30.13%. The total pigment with chlorophyll value a was 3 mg/g, chlorophyll b
was 2.46 mg/g and carotenoids was 1.32 mg/g. There were essential amino acids
such as arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, valine, threolin and
lysine. The antioxidant level was of 47.26%. The color test obtained the results of
the parameters L* 70.51, a* -5.37, and b* 11.56 respectively. The level of
preference with trust interval was 7.86<µ<8.38.
Keywords: Gelatin, Milkfish, Fish Skin, Wet Noodles, Tensile Strength

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Gelatin, Ikan Bandeng, Kulit Ikan, Mie Basah, Tensile Strength, Milkfish, Fish Skin, Wet Noodles
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Fishery Products Technology
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2023 03:35
Last Modified: 25 May 2023 03:01

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