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ANALISIS KELIMPAHAN dan KEBIASAAN MAKAN Holothuria atra dan Diadema setosum di PULAU PANJANG, JEPARA (22m655)

KINANTI, B. MUTIARA (2022) ANALISIS KELIMPAHAN dan KEBIASAAN MAKAN Holothuria atra dan Diadema setosum di PULAU PANJANG, JEPARA (22m655). Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Diponegoro.

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B Mutiara Kinanti.2601011712006. Analisis Kelimpahan dan Kebiasaan
Makan Holothuria atra dan Diadema setosum di Pulau Panjang, Jepara. (Suryanti
dan Siti Rudiyanti).
Teripang dan bulu babi merupakan bagian dari filum Echinodermata yang
banyak ditemukan di perairan dangkal. Kedua biota tersebut dapat bersifat pemakan
seston atau pemakan detritus, pemakan sampah organik dan hewan kecil lainnya.
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui kebiasaan makan teripang dan bulu babi
yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi dalam pengembangan budidaya teripang dan
bulu babi di masa mendatang. Sampel teripang dan bulu babi diambil dari 3 stasiun
yaitu ekosistem lamun (stasiun I), dermaga (stasiun II) dan terumbu karang (stasiun
III) dengan 3 titik pada masing-masing stasiun menggunakan metode purposive
sampling berdasarkan ekosistem dan tutupan substrat di perairan tersebut. Variabel
fisika-kimia yang diukur seperti kedalaman, kecerahan, suhu, DO (Dissolved
Oxygen), salinitas, pH dan kecepatan arus. Hubungan antara faktor fisika-kimia
perairan dan kebiasaan makan terhadap kelimpahan teripang dan bulu babi
dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji PCA (Principle Component Analysis).
Kelimpahan Diadema setosum paling tinggi ditemukan di stasiun III sebanyak 91
ind/150 m
dan Holothuria atra tertinggi terdapat di stasiun I sebesar 44 ind/150m
Isi pencernaan diamati dengan menggunakan mikroskop. Kebiasaan makan
berdasarkan komposisi jenis isi pencernaan teripang dan bulu babi dianalisis
dengan metode Index of Preponderance (IP). Makanan utama teripang dan bulu
babi yaitu Nitzschia sp., kemudian makanan pelengkap yaitu Pleurosigma sp. dan
makanan tambahan terdiri dari Oscillatoria sp., Skeletonema sp., Thalassionema
sp., Prorocentrum sp., Leptocylindrus sp., Pyrocystis sp., Thalassiothrix sp.,
Melosira sp., Rhizosolenia sp., dan Gyrosigma sp. Berdasarkan hasil uji PCA, 3
faktor utama yang mendukung kelimpahan teripang dan bulu babi di perairan Pulau
Panjang, Jepara yaitu DO, suhu, dan pH.
Kata kunci : Diadema setosum, Holothuria atra, kebiasaan makan, kelimpahan

(B. Mutiara Kinanti.2601011712006. Analysis of Abundance and Food Habits of
Holothuria atra and Diadema setosum on Panjang Island, Jepara . Suryanti and
Siti Rudiyanti).
Sea cucumbers and sea urchins are part of the phylum Echinoderms which
are mostly found in shallow waters. Both of these biota can be seston eaters or
detritus eaters, eat organic waste and other small animals. The purpose of this study
was to determine the food habits of sea cucumbers and sea urchins which can be
used as a reference in the development of sea cucumber and sea urchin cultivation
in the future. Sea cucumber and sea urchin samples were taken from 3 stations,
namely seagrass ecosystems (station I), wharf (station II) and coral reefs (station
III) with 3 points at each station using a purposive sampling method based on the
ecosystem and substrate cover in these waters. Physico-chemical variables were
measured such as depth, brightness, temperature, DO (Dissolved Oxygen), salinity,
pH and current velocity. The relationship between water physico-chemical factors
and food habbits on the abundance of sea urchins and sea cucumbers was analyzed
using the PCA (Principle Component Analysis) test. The highest abundance of
Diadema setosum was found at station III at 91 ind/150 m
and Holothuria atra
was highest at station I at 44 ind/150m
. The digestive contents were observed using
a microscope. The food habits based on the composition of the digestive contents
of sea cucumbers and sea urchins were analyzed using the Index of Preponderance
(IP) method. The main food of sea urchins and sea cucumbers is Nitzschia sp., then
complementary foods are Pleurosigma sp. and complementary foods consisting of
Oscillatoria sp., Skeletonema sp., Thalassionema sp., Prorocentrum sp.,
Leptocylindrus sp., Pyrocystis sp., Thalassiotrix sp., Melosira sp., Rhizosolenia sp.,
and Gyrosigma sp. Based on the PCA test results, the 3 main factors that support
the abundance of sea cucumbers and sea urchins in the waters of Panjang Island,
Jepara are DO, temperature, and pH.
Keywords : Diadema setosum, Echinoderms Abundance, Food Habit, Holothuria

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Diadema setosum, Holothuria atra, kebiasaan makan, kelimpahan Echinodermata., Food Habit
Subjects: Fisheries And Marine Sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Aquatic Resources
Depositing User: pancasila wati
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2023 07:52
Last Modified: 12 May 2023 03:21

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