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Alwiani Dyah Prameswari. 26010118120017. Potensi Wisata dan Partisipasi
Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Wisata Waduk Rowo Jombor di Klaten (Frida
Purwanti dan Siti Rudiyanti)
Waduk Rowo Jombor merupakan salah satu tempat wisata unggulan di Kabupaten
Klaten yang dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi sektor perekonomian sekitar.
Waduk Rowo Jombor banyak diminati oleh wisatawan karena menawarkan berbagai
macam kegiatan, mulai dari wisata kuliner, wisata air, wahana permainan dan
pemandangan alam yang indah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi
wisata, bentuk partisipasi masyarakat, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi
masyarakat dalam pengembangan wisata dan hubungan antara persepsi dengan
partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan wisata di Waduk Rowo Jombor.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2021 sampai Agustus 2022.
Metode yang digunakan deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala
Likert. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan dan wawancara
terhadap 100 wisatawan dan 30 masyarakat lokal. Analisa hubungan partisipasi dan
persepsi masyarakat diuji dengan Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa potensi wisata Waduk Rowo Jombor cukup baik dan mayoritas wisatawan
memilih kegiatan menikmati pemandangan alam, bentuk partisipasi masyarakat
pada tahap perencanaan berupa kehadiran dan sumbangan ide, sedangkan pada tahap
pelaksanaan berupa sumbangan tenaga, faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi
masyarakat adalah tingkat pendapatan, pekerjaan dan lama menetap. Hubungan
persepsi dengan partisipasi masyarakat pada tahap perencanaan pengembangan
mempunyai nilai korelasi 0,45 menunjukkan persepsi berkaitan erat dengan tahap
perencanaan, sedangkan tahap pelaksanaan mempunyai nilai korelasi 0,52
menunjukkan persepsi berkaitan erat dengan tahap pelaksanaan. Tingginya
partisipasi masyarakat didukung oleh pemahaman yang tinggi menyebabkan
pemikiran kritis tentang pengembangan wisata.
Kata kunci: Ekowisata, Partisipasi, Pengembangan, Potensi, Waduk Rowo Jombor.
Alwiani Dyah Prameswari. 26010118120017. Tourism Potential and
Community Participation in Tourism Development of The Rowo Jombor Reservoir
in Klaten (Frida Purwanti dan Siti Rudiyanti)
Rowo Jombor Reservoir is one of the leading tourist destinations in the Klaten
Regency that can have positive impacts on the surrounding economic sector. The
Reservoir is in great demand by tourists because its offers variety of activities,
ranging from culinary, water tours, game rides and beautiful natural scenery. This
study aims to determine tourism potential, forms of community participation, factors
that affect community participation in tourism development and relationship
between perceptions and community participation in tourism development of the
Rowo Jombor Reservoir. This research was carried out from November 2021 to
August 2022. The method used is descriptive quantitative using questionnaires with
a Likert scale. Data collection was collectid by field observations and interviews to
100 tourists and 30 local people. Analysis of the relationship between participation
and perception community was tested with Rank Spearman. The results showed that
tourism potential of the Rowo Jombor Reservoir is in quite good and majority of the
tourists choose activities to enjoy the natural scenery, a form of community
participation at the planning stage were in the form of presence and donation of
ideas while at the implementation stage was in the form of energy donations, factors
that affect community participation were level of income, employment and length of
stay. The relationship between perception and community participation in the
development planning stage has a correlation value of 0.45 indicating that
perception is closely related to planning, while in the implementation stage has a
correlation value of 0.52 indicating that perception is closely related to
implementation. The high participation of the community supported by a high
understanding led to critical thinking about the development of tourism.
Keywords: Ecotourism, Participation, Development, Potential, Rowo Jombor
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Ekowisata, Partisipasi, Pengembangan, Potensi, Waduk Rowo Jombor, Ecotourism, Participation, Development, Potential, Rowo Jombor Reservoir |
Subjects: | Fisheries And Marine Sciences |
Divisions: | Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences > Department of Aquatic Resources |
Depositing User: | pancasila wati |
Date Deposited: | 10 Jan 2023 07:38 |
Last Modified: | 10 May 2023 04:15 |
URI: | |
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